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  4. »KAWSE offers opportunities to disseminate and show broader impacts of research

K-State Today

September 14, 2015

KAWSE offers opportunities to disseminate and show broader impacts of research

Submitted by Tawny Ochs

K-State faculty are invited to show the broader impacts of their research at GROW's Engineers and Scientists to the Rescue workshop on Saturday, Sept. 26.

This event, sponsored by the K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, or KAWSE, is intended to increase girls' interest in science, technology, engineering and math through exploring how scientists and engineers protect and rebuild communities in the event of a natural disaster.

KAWSE invites K-State faculty and graduate students to design and facilitate a 50-minute, hands-on activity for middle school student participants who attend the workshop later this month. Previous presentations have focused on water quality, energy sources, foodborne disease risks, structural engineering, architectural design, leadership and decision making, community building, geographic information systems, weather patterns, mold growth, providing supplies for disaster relief, oil spills, soils and civil engineering, and computer simulations of natural phenomena.

If you are interested in this opportunity to support and encourage interest in STEM disciplines, especially to young women, please contact, Sara Heiman, KAWSE program coordinator, at sjheiman@k-state.edu or the KAWSE office at 785-532-6088.

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