March 5, 2015
Author Poe Ballantine to read from his work on Friday

Author Poe Ballantine will read from his work at 3:30 p.m. Friday, March 6, in the Little Theatre at the K-State Student Union. The event is free and open to the public. A book-signing will follow the reading.
Ballantine is the author of three works of nonfiction, "Things I Like About America," "501 Minutes to Christ" and "Love & Terror on the Howling Plains of Nowhere," as well as two novels, "God Clobbers Us All" and "Decline of the Lawrence Welk Empire." His work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The Sun, Kenyon Review and The Coal City Review, earning a number of Pushcart Prize and O. Henry Prize nominations. Ballantine's work also has been selected for "The Best American Short Stories 1998" and "The Best American Essays 2006" anthologies.
Ballantine lives now in Chadron, Nebraska, but he spent his earlier years on the road, experiencing the people and landscapes of the United States.
"Poe Ballantine is a funny storyteller whose voice deals out frustration, dismay, and absurdity, but within that near-chaos lurks his own warm heart," said Elizabeth Dodd, university distinguished professor of creative writing.
Todd Gabbard, associate professor of architecture and graduate student in creative writing, agrees.
"Ballantine captures the soul of any subject he turns his attention to: place, character, loved ones, even situations. His spare, evocative prose speaks directly to his readers' imaginations," Gabbard said.
More information about Ballantine's work is available at his publisher's website.
Ballantine's reading is sponsored by the English department and the Creative Writing Enthusiasts.