November 11, 2014
Carol Shanklin: I give because___________.
Submitted by Susan Wolf Berhow

Note: Throughout this year's All-University Campaign, we will be sharing stories about why faculty and staff give. Here's one of many stories we've collected on the All-University Campaign website.
Carol Shanklin gives to the All-University Campaign because she wants to enhance student success. Her gifts support her passion for graduate education and enhance the graduate student experience.
"I benefited from the contributions of faculty and alumni, and I believe it is important to do the same for graduate students," she said.
Shanklin is just one faculty/staff member who supports K-State through the All-University Campaign. Join her and help advance K-State!
Reminder: The All-University Campaign is in it's final week, and deadline for participation is Friday, Nov. 14. If you have not already, make your gift online by visiting the All-University Campaign website.
A new reason to give: If you make a gift before this year's deadline, Friday, Nov. 14, you will be invited to a special appreciation in Bramlage Sunday, Jan. 11 at 1 p.m., when K-State women's basketball team will take on the University of Kansas.
If you have already made your gift, help spread the word! Share why you support the Campaign on Facebook or on Twitter using hashtags #IGiveBecause and #KStateAUC.