October 8, 2014
Open forums for candidates: Director of resource center, director of employee relations on Oct. 9
The search committee has announced the candidate for director of resource center and operations and the candidate for director of employee relations in the Division of Human Capital Services. They will present at open forums on Thursday, Oct. 9, in the K-State Student Union's Big 12 Room.
The director of resource center and operations candidate and the open forum schedule is:
• Alma Deutsch at 3:15 p.m.
The director of employee relations and the open forum schedule is:
• Charlotte Self at 4 p.m.
Application materials for Deutsch are posted on the Division of Human Capital Services website and are available for review by selecting director of resource center and operations.
Application materials for Self are posted on the Division of Human Capital Services website and are available for review by selecting director of employee relations.
All presentations will be streamed live and archived for viewing later for those who are unable to attend the forum in person. The link for the public forum will be activated just before the scheduled start time and is posted on the Human Capital Services website. Please be prepared to enter your user ID and password to access the live stream.