September 29, 2014
Spring course material deadline is Oct. 15
Submitted by Audrey Taggart-Kagdis

The deadline for reporting spring 2015 term course material adoptions to the K-State Campus Store is Oct. 15. Faculty and staff can submit adoptions either online or via email.
For online entries, complete the online adoption form. Returning users should sign in using password previously created and follow the instructions to adopt course materials. New users will need to register for a new account, sign in and follow instructions. The temporary password is 1336.
Submit your course material choices via email to Include author, title, edition and ISBN to ensure correct edition is ordered.
The K-State Campus Store is charged with reporting textbook adoptions pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. To assure compliance with the law, submit all adoptions, as well as all supplementary materials, including course packets and any other supplies, so that the K-State Campus Store may post that information on iSIS. All adopted material information is shared with local companies.
As the official university bookstore, the K-State Campus Store is required to have course packets available for students through iSIS. Submit a master copy of any and all course packets, either in PDF or a hard copy to the store. Course packets containing copyrighted material may take up to six weeks to process. Course packets may be provided to other vendors as well.
For questions or additional information regarding course materials adoptions, please contact Kenton Noonan, assistant store manager, at 785-532-0728 or via email at