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K-State News
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
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Manhattan, KS 66506


Note to editors: Students are listed by county and hometown. If a student is receiving more than one degree, all degrees to be earned are listed with the student's name. If a Manhattan area address was given as a permanent address, the student will be listed in the permanent address county and also in the county for the high school of record. If a county or state is not listed, there were no graduates from that area.
List prepared by: Stephanie Jacques, 785-532-3452, sjacques@k-state.edu

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spring Graduates: Approximately 2,825 Students Earn Degrees

MANHATTAN -- Approximately 2,825 students completed degree requirements from Kansas State University this spring.

The graduates are from 95 Kansas counties, 44 states and 47 countries.

Degrees earned include nearly 2,180 bachelor's, nearly 600 master's, nearly 80 doctorates and more than 20 associate degrees.

Students earning degrees include:


Baileyville: Mark Anthony Haug, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Troy Joseph Lierz, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kyle Henry Schmitz, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Bern: Molly Ellen Edelman, Bachelor of Science in Education; Bryson John Haverkamp, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Corning: Kristie Marie Haug, Master of Accountancy

Goff: Amber Ann Boeckman, Bachelor of Science in Education; Todd Heinen, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Scott T. Henry, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Bethany Elizabeth Kramer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Sabetha: Christopher Gale Bauerle, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Shawn Lee Georg, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Kristen Michelle Kennally, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Brandon Jay Lackey, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Jacob Mark Nagely, Bachelor of Science in Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Danielle Jo Spellmeier, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Adam Robert Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Douglas Wayne Wertenberger, Bachelor of Science

Sencea: Caitlin Janae House, Bachelor of Arts; Courtney Anne Huerter, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Keely M McKernan, Bachelor of Science; Anthony James Nolte, Bachelor of Science; Carla Marie Sack, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management; Travis Alan Schulte, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Aaron Michael Shinn, Bachelor of Science; Ryan Matthew Shinn, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kayla Elizabeth Stallbaumer, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Lance Alan Studer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kristine Lee Wilhelm, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Wetmore: Jancy Dee Radke, Master of Science in Academic Advising


Chanute: Matthew Hunter Guinotte, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Garrett DeLane LaRue, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Melissa Noel Taylor, Master of Public Health; Blair Debra Gwendolyn Watkins, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Erie: Kelly Jean Oliver, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Galesburg: James B. Coover, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kyle F. Coover, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Saint Paul: Matthew William Coomes, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems; Kelley Terlip, Bachelor of Science

Thayer: Caleb Lee Seibel, Bachelor of Science


Bazine: Nicole Beth Stieben, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Ness City: Colby Robert Gantz, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Jeffrey Marion Kuhlman, Bachelor of Arts; Dane Arthur Whitley, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Norton: Timothy Scott Becker, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Nathan James Broeckelman, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science in Education