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  4. »ComPsych's COVID-19 back-to-school resources and upcoming webinar

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

August 27, 2020

ComPsych's COVID-19 back-to-school resources and upcoming webinar

Submitted by Human Capital Services - Learning & Development

Human Capital Services is highlighting resources available through ComPsych, an Employee Assistance Program partner. ComPsych developed a COVID-19 Back-To-School Toolkit to share information and resources to assist employees during this time of uncertainty. Topics included are Back-to-School Resources, Coronavirus Webinars (available on-demand), Resiliency and more. 

Additionally, K-State employees are invited to attend a live webinar or watch the recording afterward. Specific detail and registration links are below. Once registration is completed, information will be sent directly to your email with steps on how to join the event.

"Coping with Pandemic Anxiety as Kids Return to School" will be offered from 2-3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10. 

Overview: The start of the school year during the COVID-19 pandemic is filled with uncertainties and concerns that are causing understandable stress for may parents and caretakers. This webinar is designed to help people cope with emotions and anxiety in response to returning to school during the pandemic. Participants will be provided with an understanding of the types of reactions people may experience during this time and will be offered practical tips for coping.

Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2575127010179416843.

Employees who view the live webinar are eligible for one HealthQuest credit. HealthQuest is the wellness program for state of Kansas employees and members of the State Employee Health Plan. The Learning and Development Office will work with ComPsych to ensure appropriate credit is given to employees; there is no need for employees to self-report the training attendance as long as sufficient information is provided during registration.

Questions can be directed to Megan Eakin in Learning and Development at meganeakin@k-state.edu or 785-532-1920.