Multicultural Academic Program Success (MAPS)
Multicultural Academic Program Success (MAPS) is a multi-week program designed to prepare incoming multicultural, first-generation students for the academic rigor of the university environment. Students are provided the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the K-State campus and services. Students experience industry tours and meet professionals and faculty who can serve as mentors through their college careers. It is the MAPS mission to challenge and support students as they make the transition to college with the ultimate goal being student success at Kansas State University.
MAPS 2024 Program Dates: May 31st - June 28th, 2024
Priority Application Deadline: Friday, December 1st, 2023
Application Deadline: Friday, March 29th, 2024
College Contacts:
College of Agriculture: Dr. Zelia Wiley ( / 785-532-5793)
College of Business: Dr. Olivia Law-DelRosso ( / 785-532-6986)
College of Engineering: LaVerne Bitsie-Baldwin ( / 785-532-5949)
MAPS benefits include:
- A 4-week university experience program, which integrates academics to prepare for the rigors of college life.
- Public Speaking (COMM106) course costs covered by Project IMPACT funding
- An integrated sustainability projects. Students will explore the importance of agriculture, engineering, and business. The process will be through lab work, research, industry tours, and a final group presentation.
- Paid room and board during the 4-week program in K-State's Residence Halls.
- Travel for industry tours/visits with our corporate sponsors, including Phillips 66 and Cargill.
- Weekend networking and relationship building activities in the City of Manhattan with Project IMPACT staff.
- Professional, cultural, scholarship, and academic opportunities.
- Scholarship award freshman year, and potential to renew scholarship based on continued program participation and all subject grade point average qualifications.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applied to Kansas State University and plan to enroll in the Fall semester after your senior year in high school.
- Plan to major in Agriculture, Business, or Engineering.
- Identify as First-Generation, African American, Asian, Latino, Indigenous, Multiracial, or FAFSA Eligible.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)