Education and Outreach

The Chapman Center aims to connect with the community and provide educational resources for people from all walks of life. We provide digitization workshops upon request where you can learn how to digitally preserve photos, documents, and other items. We also provide opportunities for education on Kansas, its history, and more to students through 4-H and at Grandparents University.

Research Resources

Interested in doing research on Kansas history?

The Chapman Center has a research room available for the public to use its research materials. It is located in 110 Leasure Hall. Come visit Monday-Friday from 8:30 A.M -3:30 P.M, or call our office at (785) 532-0380.

The Chapman Center has also produced a digital archive that is dedicated to Kansas history, and made it available for use by researchers. Please be sure to properly cite any material taken from our archives. The instructions on how to properly cite these materials can be found below under "Important Forms".

Lost Communities archive is a collection of in-depth Kansas community histories. Papers are searchable by keyword or letter.

Additional Collections archive contains various student projects related to the history of the daily life of Kansans. It includes multimedia, photographs, and papers that are searchable by keyword or letter. For specific collections click on the individual links in the menu to the left.

A Quick Reference to Kansas is a compilation of data collected by Melvin Bruntzel which gives basic information about Kansas communities. We currently have all hardcopies of this collection in the Chapman Center for Rural Studies library. Stop by the Center (111 Leasure Hall) during office hours to check them out. For more info about our collections, email

A list of local research resources is available including local historical societies, museums, and records centers.

Important CCRS Forms

Intellectual Property Citation Guidelines

Guidelines for Lost Town Papers

Consent to Publish and Distribute Form

Interview Release

Oral History Release

Document and Artifact Release


Helpful Links

Kansas State Historical Society

Kansas Memory

Kansas Collection


Digitizing Kansas Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, 1883-1922

Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area, Kansas and Missouri

Flinthills Discovery Center

Kansas History, USA

K-State Library

Legends of Kansas

Local Research Resources

National Council on Public History

National Endowment for the Humanities

Roy Rosenweig Center for History and New Media

Territorial Kansas Online