
GIScience Virtual Collaboratory

Welcome to the GIScience Virtual Collaboratory where you can find geospatial resources, research, education, experts, and facilities at Kansas State University. This site also serves as K-State’s membership portfolio for the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).


News and Announcements

  • ArcGIS Pro 3.3 Now Available for Download (May 21, 2024)
    The most recent release of Esri's ArcGIS Pro may now be downloaded from our secure software server. We recommend ArcGIS Pro users use a named user license available by linking your personal Esri account to K-State's ArcGIS Online GIS Portal. Named user licenses are automatically updated each year. Learn more about what new with this latest release.
  • Provisioning Files for 2024-2025 (May 8, 2024)
    Provisioning files to license your Esri GIS software are no longer available through our secure software server. We recommend ArcGIS Pro users use a named user license available by linking your personal Esri account to K-State's ArcGIS Online GIS Portal. Named user licenses are automatically updated each year. For ArcGIS Desktop users, single-use and concurrent provisioning files may be requested by contacting Dr. Shawn Hutchinson (
  • ArcGIS Drone2Map and ArcGIS Insights Now Available for Download (January 9, 2023)
    The ArcGIS Drone2Map and Insights sofware applications may now be downloaded from our secure software server. Both required names user licenses that require creating an account on K-State's ArcGIS Online GIS Portal. Please contact the campus Esri adminstrator to have the applicable license attached to your account as this is not done automatically.
Stay up-to-date with more GIS news and announcements by following the Geographic Information Systems Spatial Analysis Laboratory social media channels.