Faculty Senate initiative on faculty and unclassified salaries

Past President Kirk Schulz's K-State Salary Plan was released in June 2013: http://www.k-state.edu/president/letterstocampus/messages-201306.html

Related to faculty and unclassified professional salaries, a general faculty meeting was called, by petition, and was held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 4pm. A resolution was adopted by the majority and was presented to the President of the University by the Faculty Senate President on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. For information regarding the items discussed at the general faculty meeting, please visit the following site: http://www.k-state.edu/facsen/current.html

The Faculty Compensation Task Force report was completed December 12, 2012. Notice to the campus community was made via K-State Today.
Please view that notice for the final report and ways to comment on the report.

Information from the Faculty Senate Special Session held on Monday, May 14, 2012, 3pm, Alumni Center, Main Floor

Handout (.pdf)
Video Archive


Introduction from Faculty Senate President James Bloodgood:

Thank you again to the many people who participated in the Special Session of the Faculty Senate on May 14, 2012. We are trying to align faculty and unclassified salaries with K-State's 2025 plan. We appreciate your continued participation in this important effort. In order to advance this process, a portal on the Faculty Senate web page has been set up to enable you to make suggestions concerning the planning process, the content of the plan, and identifying monetary resources that could be used for salary increases. This portal will be open for approximately three weeks starting June 13, 2012. After the initial set of recommendations is reviewed and prioritized they will be shared with the University Administration. There will likely be additional opportunities for submitting suggestions later this year. Again, thank you for your participation in making K-State a great university.

Comments, ideas, and suggestions presented at the Special Session:

  1. Human Capital Consultant will be hired to look at processes for recruiting, hiring, and position management. Work towards more consistent use of position titles.
  2. What happens if we do nothing? We continue to go downward.
  3. Freeze creation of administrative positions until a plan is in place to assist with faculty and unclassified salaries.
  4. Need to work on salary compression and salary inversion issues.
  5. Need to look at inequities within many demographic and discipline areas.
  6. Where are the resources to achieve 2025?
  7. Percentage of donations to athletics should go to academics
  8. Legitimate overload pay is being denied. In other words, are we saying that it is okay to take our talent to help others outside K-State such as consulting, rather than to help KSU such as teaching additional courses?
  9. Need to reward extra effort such as writing and awarding of grants
  10. Other incentives provided such as parking discounts, theater discounts, dependent tuition assistance.
  11. Eliminate the 100 to 200 level requirement of textbooks and use online textbooks. Take the amount of money saved by the student and move to paying other fees to go to faculty salaries - could raise around $15M.
  12. Need to determine how we got so low and determine the best way to move up. The salary issue cannot be solved with just endowed chairs or new buildings.
  13. The department or unit that raises the most external money are allowed to keep the overhead and move state money to another department in need.
  14. Take some of the patent money to go back to the department for the lab.
  15. Indirect cost of failed searches - need practical ideas on how to recruit the best and brightest.
  16. How can tuition be used to support increases in salaries?

Suggestion Portal (using the Axio Survey System)