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Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Elections - Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a senate term?

A term is three years and you may be re-elected for a consecutive three-year term. The Faculty Senate constitution outlines the following:

"The term of office shall be three years. Senators are eligible for re-election. However, the maximum that a senator can serve without a year intervening is two consecutive three-year terms. Election as an officer in the senate shall be the exception to this limit. The term of office with full voting privileges shall begin with the first meeting of the new senate."

What if I can't fulfill the remainder of my senate term?

If you are in the middle of your term, but are not able to finish, reach out to your caucus chair and the office of Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate constitution outlines the process for filling a vacancy in its by-laws:

"A position on the Faculty Senate (a) held by a senator who is appointed to a position in a different college or unit from the college or unit which elected that member to the Faculty Senate, or (b) held by a senator who is appointed to any position which makes that senator ineligible for election to the senate, shall be declared vacant at the end of that senator's current term."

"If a vacancy occurs in the last five months of a senator’s term, it may be left vacant at the discretion of the caucus chair. Should this occur, another senator in that caucus shall carry the proxy for that seat until it is filled."

"In the event the office of president-elect or secretary is vacated, a new election shall be held."

I am in the middle of my senate term, but I took a new job within K-State? Must I vacate my seat?

In short, the answer is no. However, if you are in the middle of your term, and have changed jobs, let your caucus chair and the office of Faculty Senate know. The Faculty Senate constitution outlines the following:

"A position on the Faculty Senate (a) held by a senator who is appointed to a position in a different college or unit from the college or unit which elected that member to the Faculty Senate, or (b) held by a senator who is appointed to any position which makes that senator ineligible for election to the senate, shall be declared vacant at the end of that senator's current term."

I am in the middle of my term, but was approved for a sabbatical? Must I vacate my seat?

It will depend on the length of your sabbatical. If it is one semester long, you may appoint a proxy for that semester. If it is for longer than one semester, you will need to vacate your seat. The Faculty Senate constitution outlines the following:

"In the event senators are on leave, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to function for a time greater than one semester, the office shall be declared vacant and shall be filled by the procedure of Article II, Section D.5. The person appointed to fill the vacancy will serve for the remainder of the term. Senators unable to function for one semester or less may designate a proxy as outlined in the by-laws."

For other questions not addressed here, reach out to the Office of Faculty Senate (facsen@ksu.edu) or one of the election committee members.
2024 Election Committee:
  • Don Von Bergen, Faculty Senate President
  • Graciela Berumen, Faculty Senate Secretary
  • Brad Cunningham, Co-Chair of Faculty Affairs
  • Tareque Nasser, Co-Chair of Faculty Affairs
  • Monica Curnutt, Co-Chair of Professional Staff Affairs
  • Renee Gates, Co-Chair of Professional Staff Affairs