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Dorothy L. Thompson Lecture Series

Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series
Office of Institutional Equity
Kansas State University
828 Mid-Campus drive South
220A Kedzie Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506


"Papers" Documentary on Undocumented Youth and Panel Discussion

The film is not available to be shown on this website. The film explores the challenges that face undocumented youth and the gridlock around immigration reform in the United States.

Approximately 2 million undocumented children are educated in American schools, hold American values, know only the U.S. as home and who, upon high school graduation, find the door to their future slammed shut. As a follow up to the screening of the film Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth on K-State on September 19, 2010, a panel discussion on the movie "Papers," undocumented youth, and immigration reform was held Monday, September 20, 2010.

The panel was moderated by Michael Kaye, law professor at Washburn University, and included: Roberta Farrell, Immigration Attorney; Amanda Morales, Ph.D., Graduate Student Adviser K-State College of Education; Jonathan Willmouth, Immigration Attorney; Rep. Sydney Carlin, state legislator; and Erin Fleming who works extensively with undocumented youth-many of whom are actually pictured in the film. Fleming is part of the KS/MO DREAM Alliance-a local Kansas City group made up of mostly undocumented youth, as well as national projects such as The DREAM Is Coming and United We DREAM. The panel walks through the life of an undocumented youth trying to go to college and explore the roadblocks she encounters.

The panel was sponsored by Alianza, Community Cultural Harmony Week, Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series, and Multicultural Business Student Association.