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Digital Humanities Center

Works By Amos Bronson Alcott

Online versions of Amos Bronson Alcott's published writings


Observations on the Principles and Methods of Infant Instruction (1830)
On the Nature and Means of Early Intellectual Education as Deduced from Experience (1833)
The Doctrine and Discipline of Human Culture (1836) 
Conversations with Children on the Gospels, Volume 1 (1836)
Conversations with Children on the Gospels, Volume 2 (1837)
Tablets (1868) 
Concord Days (1872) 
Table-Talk (1877) 
Sonnets and Canzonets (1882) 
Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Estimate of His Character and Genius in Prose and Verse (1865, 1882) 
New Connecticut: An Autobiographical Poem (1881, 1887)

Selected Articles

"Orphic Sayings." The Dial 1-2 (1840-42): 1: 85-98, 351-361; 2: 423-425,
"Days from a Diary." The Dial 2 (1842): 409-437.
"Fruitlands" [with Charles Lane]. The Dial 4 (July 1843): 135-36. 
"The Consociate Family Life." Herald of Freedom 8 Sept. 1843. In Bronson Alcott's Fruitlands, compiled by Clara Endicott Sears (1915), pp. 41-52.
"The Forester." Atlantic Monthly April 1862: 443-45.
"The Transcendental Club and The Dial." The Commonwealth 24 April 1863.
"Personal Theism: A Conversation." The Radical 6 (1869): 22-33.
"Philosophemes." Journal of Speculative Philosophy 7 (1873): 46-48; 9 (1875): 1-16, 190-209, 245-63; 15 (1881): 84-88.