
Within the Center, four primary research projects bridge areas of excellence in the Infectious Diseases programs at Kansas State University (KSU) within the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. The projects examine virulence factors and host-pathogen interactions of various pathogens, utilizing both basic and translational approaches in in vitro systems and in animal models. The overarching goal of the CEZID is to advance our understanding of emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases in the State of Kansas. Our goals are also clearly aligned with NIH’s strategic plan “Turning Discovery into Health”. Two research core facilities will support the research projects and programs, an Animal Model/Pathology Core and a Molecular and Cellular Biology Core, offering unique research infrastructure resources within KSU and the State of Kansas.

The Center will also fund up to three Pilot Projects per year. Pilot grants must have one internal mentor and able to use the preliminary data obtained during pilot project performance to submit successful extramural grants. Pilot grant holders are also eligible to become primary project grant holders, contingent on their performance in the pilot grant program, their development of viable primary project grant proposals and the recommendation and approval of the Center's Executive Advisory Committee.