Meeting Notes January 10, 2018 - 9 A.M.

401 Hale Library


Pfaff (KSIS/Reg), McCammant (AG), Washburn (AG), Last (AR), Baker (AS), Griffin (ED), Murphy (ED), Fund (EN), Hartman (POLY), Pence (HE), Schlender (GR), Burkholder (GC), Blankley (ADM), Nielson (REG), Cooper (REG), Gehrt (ISO), Gould (iTAC)

New iTAC - Nancy Becker replace Beth Alloway

ITS Update (Draper)

Diana Blake retirement reception. Jan 11th

Only 13 compromised accounts

Registrar’s Office updates (Pfaff)

Spring Beginning of Semester processing

Class capacities report coming out soon. Today by 5pm all reinstatements due. Tomorrow will be dropping classes for those dismissed.

Final Exam Scheduling

REG office and room scheduling department meeting to get a better knowledge of what each office does, their steps, how they coordinate and how they can conflict.

Undergraduate Admissions (Blankley)

January O&E

January 12th – Full day based on registrations.

Electronic Transcripts received by K-State

Official transcripts sometimes find their way to email accounts outside of undergraduate admissions. If not immediately forwarded to undergraduate admissions, we risk having to ask the student to request and pay for the transcript again. Blankley will send full directions for how to handle the email if this happens.

Projects recently completed

PUM 7 completed 12/27/2017

Current Projects

Elastic Search (Letourneau)

Currently it works, but is slow so do not want it in production. Have a few tickets with Oracle to fix.

Contractual Market-Based Education (CMBE)

Business Analysis (Pfaff) – Full team meeting has been had. Pfaff has met with Dean Mercer since and have decided to segment out the process. First segment is the admission piece, app fee deferment, need logins, term activated, etc. Jan 12th will be meeting with grad, undergrad, global to work through these items. Next segment would be the enrollment piece. Might use a special plan code to identify those in a CMBE agreement. Would like to try a pilot group from ED agreement as soon as things come together.

General Data Protection Regulation (European Union Privacy Law eff 5/25/2108) – Business Analysis (Nielsen/Pfaff)

large working group for information gathering. Robert Large and Maureen Rediker are the general counsel involved with project.

Automate Student Program Plan Change Process- Business Analysis (Gehrt)

Huron Consulting Data Request (Blankley)

Large amounts of data requested by vendor to compose analysis. Data requests are for institutional information, financial aid, admission, enrollment, retention, etc.


Susan Cooper – DARS update from survey results.

In mid spring term they will change the system audits so they are in html format instead of pdf. There will be an announcement in K-State Today when it closer to implementation. Washburn asked about any other changes? Cooper-Yes they are discussing changes on the request screens, but still in the early stages. Are hesitant to change too quickly and have confusion for students and advisors.

Name change from KSIS Task Force (Gehrt)

Gary Prat has suggested that the title of this group may not be most accurate to what we currently do. ?? A ‘taskforce’ is typically a short term group and we are now a standing group. Pence suggested we pose the question to CAPP. Much discussion within the group about how beneficial this group is, but also a concern there is quite a bit of overlap with CAPP agendas.

Academic Administrative Group (or Committee) ??

Academic Administrative Advisory Group (or Committee)??

Other suggestions?