Meeting Notes July 9, 2014 - 9 A.M.

401 Hale Library


Last (AR), Baker (AS), Cunningham (BA), Griffin (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Karen Pence (HE), David Delker (TC), Scott Schlender (GR), Kathy Burkholder (GC), Judy Lynch (ADV), Blankley (ADM), Susan Cooper (REG), Monty Nielsen (REG), Steve Dandaneau (PROV), Blake (ISO), Loren Wilson (ISO), Letourneau (ISO), Gould (iTAC), Ken Stafford (ITS)

Bid farewell to David Delker

David introduced Cathy Sanders as his replacement on the committee. Donuts and cupcakes were shared with the group as part of the farewell. Thank you! David officially handed the committee over to Larry Satzler. He said he would like to return to see the go-live for the Course and Curric Approval Process Automation.

Undergraduate Admissions Office Updates (Blankley)

  1. Processing applications for Summer 2014 through Fall 2015 terms.
  2. June O&E went very well, August O&E for new students will be August 21st and 22nd.
  3. Self-Reporting option on the undergraduate application is going well. 194 applications with SR data posted to date. Estimated this will save approximately 1250 hours of staff time over the course of the year. Big thank you to OME and ISO staff.
  4. Stand alone Certificates(15 programs) will be added to the undergraduate application by Sept 1, 2014.
  5. New high school equivalency tests. HiSet and TASC are now recognized as tests that can be taken to prove HS equivalency completion. Undergraduate admissions will take these tests and use KBOR benchmarks for college readiness to apply qualified admissions standards. Like GED, HiSet and TASC test takers will have to also meet ACT or SAT test score standards to meet qualified admissions. Larry Satzler asked if undergraduate admissions had ever considered requiring an ACT/SAT test score for all admissions. Sara will check with her staff.

Registrar's Office Updates (Monty Nielsen)

  1. Administrative realignment
    • Zach Swartz's last day was June 13th. He moved onto the University of Chicago.
    • Charlotte Pfaff and Robert Auten had their job descriptions updated from Assistant Registrar's to Associate Registrar's of Student Systems. Duties have been realigned and split accordingly. An Assistant Registrar position will be filled soon. Charlotte and Robert will be relocated to be with their teams of staff.
  2. DARS HTML audit (Cooper) – Currently testing this new functionality. Will allow linking via a hyperlink to the Acalog. Also, the list of information can expand and contract to make viewing easier. Pdf will still be an option. There is no estimated time of deployment at this time.
  3. FERPA self-assessment for 14-15 (Cooper)-Previously used software no longer available to deliver survey. Qualtrics will be used instead to create and distribute survey. Still working out kinks to include student staff. Is there a more optimal time than July for the survery? Last years assessment had a 65% completion rate, which met the 2025 goal.

Projects recently completed

Bundle 33 (Blake)-Complete an in production. A large amount of ISO and functional staff time is used to fully test and implement these quarterly bundles. Staff make this a high priority to make sure the student system continues to run smoothly. Bundle 34 will be issued from Oracle very soon.

New Projects

(Blake) – Roberta Maldanado very recently announced a new yearly federal requirement for sexual assault training (Violence Against Women, Title 9). This will be required for all students and staff. Requirement gathering is in its first stages; however we know that it must be recorded in iSIS and must be implemented this fall. Diana is continuing to build a group and determine what can be done in the short timeline. New incoming students complete a survey called Haven that may or may not meet the requirements. More investigation is needed to determine if new students will have to take 2 surveys to meet the federal requirement. A question from several Taskforce members was, can Haven be updated to meet the requirements and used for the whole population? This would eliminate the need to build a Qualtrics survey.

Brief project updates

Course and Curric Approval Process Automation (Delker)

Committee met in May and are ready to develop an RFP. May bundle in the RFP other campus needs. Marietta Milligan working on RFP, Charlotte Pfaff working on vendor demos (Curriculog). David's role on the committee is transferring to Andy Bennett. David requested that the Taskforce continue to prioritize this project and push it to completion.

iSIS Canvas Integration (Letourneau)

Course creation and realtime push of data is in production as of June. Working on grade posting piece, hope to have in production by begin of fall semester. New iSIS Help tips being created and training classes full. More training will be available in August. Currently, if an instructor is removed from a course in iSIS, it won't be removed in Canvas. Will have to be removed manually. This is marked for a future enhancement. Plan is to migrate off of AXIO within 1 year.

PT upgrade 8.53 (Letourneau)

Will be in production by July 20

KSU Advisor Center (Blake)

Lots of progress in development, the first release is scheduled for early September. Testing is ongoing and will enlist more staff in academic departments/colleges if possible. This is a huge modification to the PeopleSoft student system. Will be a game changer for advising. Advising notes will not be in the first release as it was determined that the proposed design was lacking. Will be reworked and included in a later release.

iSIS-EAB Integration (Blake)

Working on extensive data pulls to provide to vendor to get analysis only. Have purchased 1 year of services. Will use for retention, flow through curriculums, find concern 'spots' or populations.

Parent Data for Foundation (Blake)

Data has been identified and pulled from emergency contact and designee data in iSIS. The data hasn't been loaded to the Foundation database yet, needs some refinement and cleaning. This information will be used for fundraising. Several Taskforce members raised concerns with providing this data. A policy statement is being developed and will be added in appropriate forms when this data is collected. The Taskforce members feel having the ability to Opt Out of any fundraising campaigns is a high priority.

iSIS Mobile (L. Wilson/Blake)

Need to determine if as a university we want a student system solution or a product that can address wider university mobile needs. The vendor that can address wider university needs is approximately ½ the cost of the student system only vendor. However, analysis is needed to determine what is the best fit and how either would be supported long term.

Student Enrollment Reporting (L. Wilson)

Starting a data warehouse project, will need to define data points and the project. Will be forming a project team and filling a FT ISO position to lead the project. Taskforce staff (Delker) asked to make sure all satellite campuses are included.

CRM Analysis (Loren)

Analysis is ongoing. Talisma is the current university CRM product. Talisma is supported only by Undergraduate Admissions. While admission staff have supplied data, reports, and client installations to colleges, departments and other offices for a long time, they do not have the resources to provide the full benefits of a CRM to the colleges, departments and other offices on campus. A list of needs at the university are being developed. This will be provided to Talisma for a new quote on expanding their product to meet these needs. Other vendors will also be consulted.

EIS Replacement Analysis (L. Wilson/K. Burkholder)

EIS is used by Global campus to track courses, approvals, searches. Will need to determine if they re-write completely, fit into iSIS or a mix of those two options. Burkholder reported that the functionality of EIS is invaluable to their processes and they can't lose that. They are excited to have a new product.

Next meeting

August 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., Hale 401