Meeting Notes May 15, 2014 - 9 A.M.

401 Hale Library


Swartz (iSIS), Christine Wilson (AG), Last (AR), Baker (AS), Cunningham (BA), Niedfelt (BA), Griffin (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Karen Pence (HE), David Delker (TC), Scott Schlender (GR), Kathy Burkholder (GC), Judy Lynch (ADV), Blankley (ADM), Susan Cooper (REG), Monty Nielsen (REG), Loren Wilson (ISO), Letourneau (ISO)


Scott Finkeldei

Undergraduate Admissions Office Updates (Blankley)

Welcome Sara Blankley

Sara's role and responsibilities in Undergraduate Admissions and on the iSIS team

Ten years of experience in admissions

Assistant director, systems analysis and web apps

Self-reported high school academics information

Beginning with admissions for summer 2015, high school students who graduate May 2015 or after must meet requirements for core GPA, and either minimum test score (ACT/SAT) or rank in top 1/3 of high school class, and a 2.00 GPA on any post-secondary courses completed. Students will use an automated system to self-report test scores, courses and grades online. This replaces a manual process that takes 15-30 minutes per application.

Approximately 3900 are expected for June orientation and enrollment.

4000-5000 transcripts will be received in May and June.

Registrar's Office Updates (Swartz)

Overview of Major End of Semester Processes

Grade Rosters opened Friday, May 9 at 5:00 p.m.

"Incomplete" grades that convert to "F" will be assigned a participation value of "Yes."

Grade submission deadline is Tuesday, May 20 at 4:00 p.m. for grades submitted through KSOL, and 5:00 p.m. for all grades. Any blank grades will be changed to "NR."

End of Semester Reports will be available Wednesday morning, May 21.

May 29 is the deadline for submitting reinstatement forms. Classes for dismissed students will be dropped on May 30.

Unofficial ("Title IV") withdrawals

Student Financial Assistance (SFA) and the Registrar's Office will review Title IV withdrawals (date determined by SFA).

Impact of Bundle 33 on class search results page

There are considerable changes in the "look and Feel" of the class search results page. Information is being verified. There are problems with K-State 8 icons. Class meeting times were removed. Global Campus fees notation was changed to an icon.


The "less than 'C' grade" report has been modified to include adviser's name.

Feedback on Advising Notes and Advisee Delegation Proposal

Original advising notes wireframe (Option 1) and simplified wireframes based on FSCOT feedback (Options 2 and 3) were developed.

Advisors Forum members want granular control of advising notes so that the notes are held private.

Admissions may want advising notes to document questions and decisions for prospective students, especially transfer students.

Canvas Update (Scott Finkeldei)

Canvas is a learning management system that has been successfully piloted by ninety instructors.

Axio is old and needs to be replaced.

OME has been working is ISO and iSIS. Initiation of creation has been simplified. Canvas will initiate the course set up instead of the instructor.

Roster justification means that every drop/add automatically updates the roster.

Copying final grades to iSIS will continue.

TEVAL roster will come directly from iSIS.

Instructor can manually add students to roster. (SUGGESTION: generate a report of students added manually who are NOT officially enrolled in iSIS.)

Classes not linked to iSIS (e.g., class of advisees) can be manually created and maintained.

Announcements will be coming soon.

Brief Project Updates

iSIS Mobile (L. Wilson/Letourneau)

Looking at a couple of options (High Point, Mobile Apps) with December goal.

Student Enrollment Reporting (L. Wilson)

Data warehousing for student retention data is a possibility. PreAwards pilot is moving ahead.

iSIS integration projects (Letourneau)

Working with Canvas.

JumpForward integration completed for Athletics.

Working on batch integration for EAB (Education Advisory Board) project.

Office of Student Life is looking at a product that allows students to manage website, message board, email.


Course and Curriculum Approval Improvement Committee (CCAPIC) will meet this afternoon to review RFP development.

Andy Bennett, FS/AAC chair, will replace David Delker as co-chair with Ruth Dyer.

Monty Nielsen thanked David Delker for his service as iSIS Task Force chair.

Kathy Sanders will represent K-State Salina/College of Technology and Aviation on the iSIS Task Force.

Larry Satzler will serve as iSIS Task Force chair.

Next meeting

July 9, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., Hale 401