Meeting Notes February 10, 2010- 9:00 A.M.

113 Seaton


Mike Crow (iSIS), Yolanda Howard (ITS), Tilford (AG), Wilson (AG), Herspring (AR), Ackely (AS), Cunningham (BA), Niedfeldt (BA), Perl (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Karen Pence (HE), David Delker (TC), Springer (VM), Linda Morse (DCE), Judy Lynch (ADV), Moser (FS/AAC), Monty Nielsen (REG), Gunile DeVault (REG), Al Cochran (PROV)

Others attending:

John Letourneau, Brian Arthaud-Day

Textbook Reporting (Delker)

(Handout: Draft Memo to Faculty Regarding Textbook Reporting)
Draft memo was reviewed and edits suggested. Direct any additional comments to Rebecca Gould as soon as possible.

Fall/Summer Enrollment (Crow)

Upcoming dates:

Feb 18: Activate for new term

Feb 19: Textbook info, U10/F10 Class Schedules available
ADV holds applied for U10/F10 (removing one hold removes both)

Feb 19-March 22: S10/U10/F10 ADV holds overlap; both S10 and U10/F10 holds have to be removed for enrollment access

Feb 22/23: U10/F10 Enrollment appointments set

A modification currently being tested adds the ability to remove ADV hold through Self Service. A column is being added in “Advisement – View my Advisees” for ADV service indicator; click to remove. Suggestion: add ability to add back ADV hold through Self Service.

Variable Title Forms (DeVault)

February 8 memo was sent to initiate submission of titles for “Vary Title by Student” classes. Another reminder will be sent at week 7.

Graduation Application Workflow Issues (Crow)

(Handout: Graduation Application Work Area Update of Program/Plan Stack)
Issues related to “Application approved” and “Degree approved” and the Program/Plan stack were discussed. Both “Application approved” and “Degree approved” are “CFDA-Approved” in P/PS.

“Pending” status was discussed – is it used differently by different colleges?

Missing transfer transcript
Student to monitor (e.g., low GPA)
Need more information from student

Due to concerns about the risk of making changes now, no changes will be made – except to add “Withdrawn” as an action in the work area.

Other Items (Crow)

Midterm Grade Rosters.

Grade rosters will remain open until 5:00 PM on February 15.

Process for Study Abroad Suggestion.

Record “NR” instead of “CR,” pending receipt of transfer transcript. (CAPP issue?)

“When Offered” Spreadsheets.

Continue work on cleaning up terms courses are offered. Question: will Faculty Senate allow a streamlined procedure for approving term changes, or will they have to go through Expedited Course Change procedure?

Question: if MATH 101 is approved, will every program/course that requires MATH 100 have to submit change to add MATH 101 as alternative? Or will the courses be coded as equivalents (like STAT 325/340/350) for interchangeable use?

Terms will now be indicated by “Fall, Spring, Summer” instead of I, II, S.

Academic Fresh Start.

AFS form needs to be revised. Transcript/Academic History issues related to Academic Fresh Start and Academic Forgiveness need to be resolved.

Plan Change Forms.

Yolanda has them worked up and will send to David Delker for subcommittee (Perl, Satzler, Wilson, Nagel, Stroot) to review.

Grade Roster Notification.

Testing is underway on a notice to faculty when non-standard session grade rosters are available.

Adviser/Advisee List.

Work on the Adviser/Advisee list is still on the “to do” list. The Adviser/Advisee list and the Master Extract do not correlate.

Waitlist Purge.

Waitlist management and purge seemed to work OK this term.

Class Schedule.

Due to recurring problems with the Class Schedule, attendance at update sessions will be required.

Computer Recommendation.

If funds are available, invest in dual computer monitors.

Census Holds.

Census Holds will remain in effect until April 25, 2010.


IPEDS Holds will be applied March 1, 2010. This hold is to meet a federal requirement for collecting data on ethnicity. “University is required to ask; students are NOT required to provide information” – students can choose not to respond. There will be campus-wide communication to explain.

SPARK! issues in iSIS.

SPARK! issues need to be discussed in CAPP.

Next Meeting: March 10, 2010 at 9:00 AM in 113 Seaton Hall