Meeting Notes November 12, 2008- 9:00 A.M.

113 Seaton


Mike Crow (iSIS), Jennifer Gehrt (LASER), Yolanda Howard (ITS), Tilford (AG), Wilson (AG), Herspring (AR), Pumphrey (AS), Niedfeldt (BA), Perl (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Karen Pence (HE), David Delker (TC), Carol Shanklin (GR), Judy Lynch (AAC), Linda Morse (DCE), Doris Carroll (FS), Monty Nielsen (REG), Gunile DeVault (REG)

December Grade Submission Strategy

(Handout: December 2008 Grade Submission Strategy) Mike Crow reviewed the draft document.

Remind faculty to submit grades for non-standard classes that have completed (tests the system).

Reports on missing grade rosters will be generated daily (possible twice daily) from December 19-23 so faculty can be reminded to submit grades.

At 5:00 PM on December 23, a grade of NR will be inserted for all missing grades.
Whatever is recorded on the grade roster will be posted, even if “NR” or in review status. Individual paper grade change reports will have to be submitted to change “NR” and incorrect grades.

Instructor with APPROVE status can be added as needed through December 23 to accommodate recalcitrant faculty.

Advice to Mike: please check to be sure “W,” “NR,” and “XF” are not listed as grade options for faculty to assign.

Monty Nielsen will email Deans/Department Heads/Directors list about submission of grades to iSIS and the importance of training and meeting submission deadlines.

Idea: make a college computer lab available after grade rosters are created on December 12 for faculty who need assistance or coaching to enter and approve grades.

Reports Enhancements (.pdf)

Graduation Clearance (S09)

Mike Crow asked if this was the highest priority. YES (and soon – students already are asking, especially those studying abroad next semester). Subcommittee will meet to define needs.

Variable Title Classes

(Handout: variable title classes.) Please contact Gunile DeVault about this information. (We ran out of time for discussion at the meeting.)

DCE Contact List for Dropping Last Class (Withdrawal from University)

Linda Morse distributed College contact list. (See handout.)