Meeting Notes February 25, 2009- 9:00 A.M.

Seaton 113


Mike Crow (iSIS), Yolanda Howard (ITS), Tilford (AG), Wilson (AG), Herspring (AR), Pumphrey (AS), Cunningham (BA), Niedfeldt (BA), Perl (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Karen Pence (HE), David Delker (TC), Springer (VM), Lease (GR), Linda Morse (DCE), Monty Nielsen (REG), Al Cochran (PROV), Rebecca Gould (iTAC)

Others attending:

Michael Brown (MDAP Project Manager), Mike Stauffer (MDAP Technical Lead), John Letourneau (Applications Architect, former iSIS Technical Lead), Mark Grinter (Associate Director, Database Management Services), Diana Blake (Associate Director, Application Development Services)


Handout: MDAP – iSIS Task Force Briefing
Michael Brown reviewed the document and responded to questions. Relay requests for additional items to archive to Michael Brown ASAP. Identify data needed by SIS screen. Migration will begin in early March.

Question: How will transactions (e.g., backdated withdrawals) be handled for students who are in SIS but not iSIS. Response: the student will be converted into iSIS for the transaction. Transaction will NOT be recorded in SIS.

Clarification: “Alternate IDs” will include multiple ID numbers for an individual student. “Bursur stops” are cashier holds. “Anecdotal notes” are only for BRS, FAMS.

Question: will database include both SAT and ACT info? (only ACT listed) Response: Yes.

Question: How will archived data be accessed? Response: to be determined.
Academic database: working back from 2001. Transcripts: working forward from Summer 1986; available through Image Now.

June 30: all access to SIS will end.

Graduation Application Concerns (Mike Crow and others)

Problem: students get message that application was submitted, but do not appear on the list of applicants – possibly due to missing data element like primary phone? AG identified 15 students in this situation after sending the applicant list (minus FERPAs) to their college listserv with message to “if you applied, check to be sure you are on the list. . .”

Possible future enhancement: confirmation in Student Center (shopping cart model?)

Concern: spreadsheet to report approved CFDs to REG – is there a format or instructions? Deadlines?

Approval column should be column A. Codes to use are “A” = approved as candidate for degree; P = pending (e.g., receipt of transfer transcript expected), “D” = denied.

“Pending” students will NOT be on the diploma order list and will NOT be published in commencement program.

March: Diploma order deadline
April: Commencement program deadline
May: Students completing requirements deadline

After March deadline, send updates ONLY and all at once on April deadline.

For commencement program, colleges will convert iSIS report of May CFDs to spreadsheet and add potential August graduates.

Mike has met with representatives from minors programs; still work to be done? What about secondary majors? Not yet addressed.

Honors designations for May and August graduates participating in May commencement: still to be addressed.

Other Issues

Conversion/functional testing: Mike loses 55 hrs/wk of functional testing by students in May.

Reporting: specs need to be completed.

Suggestion: we need to document business procedures first before techs go to work. Joint work session on business practices with tech team will help.

Curriculum change/reinstatement/pre-matric form: suggestions have been sent forward but apparently will not be considered.

Update for Schedulers (90 minute session) will be held on Thursday, March 12. Mandatory sessions for department schedulers will follow in April.

Rebecca Gould (iTAC) has joined the iSIS Task Force.

Next Meeting: March 11, 2009 at 9:00 AM in 113 Seaton Hall