Meeting Notes December 3, 2008-9:00 A.M.

113 Seaton


Mike Crow (iSIS), Jennifer Gehrt (LASER), Yolanda Howard (ITS), Tilford (AG), Herspring (AR), Pumphrey (AS), Niedfeldt (BA), Perl (ED), O. Lease (EN), Karen Pence (HE), Scott Schlender (GR), Judy Lynch (AAC), Linda Morse (DCE), Monty Nielsen (REG), Gunile DeVault (REG)

Enhancement Upgrades List

(Handout: Post Go Live Enhancement Upgrades)

Mike Crow provided the iSIS Task Force Enhancement list organized in priority order.

Three items highlighted in yellow were acknowledged as “high priority” to other areas (new General Education program, Parental Notification Access page, Graduate Admissions Application), but not necessarily the most immediate iSIS Task Force priorities. (Item #2 New Gen Ed system will be moved to the end of the list with Parental Notification Access page and Graduate Admissions Application as unranked high priorities.)

The “3C’s for academic progress communication” will not be available for Fall 2008. They now are trying to replicate “what we’ve always done;” more information will be available next week.

The priority list will be reviewed at every meeting.

Additional items are on lists from Enrollment Services and Graduate School (and other areas). Yolanda Howard will provide the “MASTER LIST” with its competing priorities.

#8 “Class Schedule presentation change default” already is progress.

Reports (Mike Crow)

Reports need to be prioritized and worked on.

Adviser/advisee list continues to be a problem. Advisee “clean-up” was not run in Fall semester.

We need a calendar listing of dates when standard reports will be run.

Question: when do waitlists run? Every 30 minutes. Some problems with students moving from waitlist to enrolled were noted. There may be a problem with requisite override to get on waitlist stopping enrollment from waitlist.

Dean’s Offices will be sent the fall semester “Honors Book” (ranked list of students by college, class, plan) as a spreadsheet.

Suggestion: establish an iSIS Task Force Work Group to structure reporting needs for setting priorities (January project). The group needs to know what’s in progress. Yolanda Howard will work on a list for the work group.

iSIS Grading (Mike Crow)

Stop ALL iSIS activity at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 23 so that grades can be posted and academic standing run.

From December 19-23, Dean’s Offices will receive a daily list of grade status for classes.

Mike distributed college lists of missing class grades for non-standard classes. Suggestion: add instructor’s name to the report to facilitate contact.

Suggestion: encourage instructors to “save” frequently as they enter grades, especially in large classes.

Suggestion: put “save” button at both top and bottom of the screen. Jennifer Gehrt will send us the keystroke shortcut for “save.”

Graduation Processing (Mike Crow)

In process: “Data Change: CFDA” = CFD Applied. (CFD = Candidate for Degree)

A one page shot of existing/wanted information is being developed and will require a number of screens.

Question: will we receive training on what students will see/do? Will we receive training on what we need to do? Will Dean’s Office staff? Will advisers? Note: Advisers will be able to see the student application for graduation.

Question: can a sample student be created so we can see what students see? (Example: questions about Advising Survey – we could not adequately assist students because our view is different from theirs.) ALSO: Advising Survey instructions need to be improved. Need a button to click to easily go to iSIS Help.

Reminder: after student is approved as Candidate for Degree, all plan changes have to be done in the Registrar’s Office.

Question: how will students be informed about the graduation application procedure? Colleges should e-mail all their seniors.

Class Schedule (Mike Crow)

Next semester, all class schedulers need to go to training. Problems with non-standard term errors continue, especially with summer term, and associated classes.

Comment: start/stop guidelines for “standard” summer dates are needed. (2 week, 3 week, 4 week, 6 week, 8 week sessions) Is this a CAPP issue? Mike and Gunile DeVault will work on this.

Modifying Class Requisites (corrections, changes, new courses) (Mike Crow)

What is the procedure?

Set up and test in CS-1.
Copy and paste to move to production.
Sharon Hauck attaches.
What effective date should be used?

1/2/1920 or preceding beginning of current term (e.g., 8/1/08)

Correct History (Mike Crow)

Think about if Dean’s Office role should include “Correct History” ability, or if adding rows is sufficient.

Run Controls (Mike Crow)

To “clean up” your list of run controls, send Mike Crow a list of run controls to delete.

Emergency Screen – aka Student Contact Page (Mike Crow)

This is a summary of former “SRDI” information requested by Student Life Office, and will be added to the CDeansOffice role. Jennifer Gehrt will send information on location when it is set up.

Positive and Negative Service Indicators

The Cashiers Office requests that we read “DETAILS” before sending students to the Cashiers Office if they have a negative service indicator. Also – remind people that positive service indicators (e.g., a TBR note) do not prevent enrollment.

Question: Will there be a list of HOLDS? (as was formerly on website?)

Question: Will there be a report from FS/Academic Affairs Committee about modifying the advising hold to extend the open drop/add period at the beginning of the term? Is it possible to still require instructor permission to add after first week of classes, but not require adviser permission until later?


Announcement: Registrar’s Office will no longer provide student transcripts for internal use – run academic history for K-State courses and ADM-TRANS for transfer courses.

SIS goes away in mid-2009 – no more view access. Historical information is being transferred to a repository.

Question: How do we get information for returning students who are not in DARS? What about students who are completing degrees in absentia? They have to apply for readmission to K-State – even though they won’t be enrolling at K-State -- and they find that irritating.

Question: Is there any way to search for “AKA’s”? No.

Question: Can adviser for second major be listed? (Example: for AS students who are also in ED for teaching licensure program) Maybe. Can primary adviser be identified?

Training for Grading

About half of the faculty have participated in training for iSIS grading. 250 have attended instructor-led training. 261 have accessed KSOL training. Communications have included e-mail from Jennifer Gehrt, e-mail to Deans, (2) e-mails from Registrar, information in InfoTech Tuesday. From December 13 through December 23, iTAC will have training and help sessions in Hale Library Commons (next to IT Help Desk).

Student Retention

More information will be available next week about report on current students who have not enrolled for Spring Term 2009.

Next meeting: Wednesday, December 10 at 9:00 AM in Seaton 113.