Meeting Notes August 6, 2008-9:00 A.M.

113 Seaton


Mike Crow (iSIS), Donnelly (AG), Tilford (AG), Wilson (AG), Herspring (AR), Pumphrey (AS), Niedfeldt (BA), Perl (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Karen Pence (HE), David Delker (TC), Carol Shanklin (GR), Linda Morse (DCE), Doris Carroll (FS), Monty Nielsen (REG), Gunile DeVault (REG)


David circulated listserv list for updating.


Undergraduate student applications for December graduation clearance will be due in dean's offices September 5 instead of September 15. College lists will be due to the Registrar’s OfficeSeptember 19 instead of October 6 to allow REG more time for data entry into iSIS. The Registrar will not change the date published on the University calendar; colleges are responsible for informing students of the submission date.

Current Grad App procedure will continue for Fall 2008; new automated procedure will be in place for Spring 2009.

Larry Satzler will represent the iSIS task force in the group working on graduation.

Fall 2008 Grades

Request: That the “Wednesday, December 24 at 11:30 a.m.” grade submission deadline be changed to “Tuesday, December 23 at 5:00 p.m.” Term final grades then could be posted on December 24 instead of December 25. David will take the request to CAPP. If approved, the Registrar will change the date published on the University calendar.

Grading in iSIS

Jennifer will send information about “grades” to the ProFacStaff list. Information is available on the iSIS help site. E-mail will be sent to department heads. (Time on the department head retreat agenda was not available.) Training schedule is on HRIS. On-line training will be available in September.

Question: what accommodation can be made for training (adviser, grading) for a hearing-impaired faculty member? Mike C. will check.

Question: Will DO get list of grades submitted/not submitted? In time to do something about missing grades before grades are posted?

Question: Can grades be viewed as soon as they are posted? Grades for non-standard courses will be posted overnight and available for viewing the next day. Grades for standard courses will be held and posted all at once. Academic status will not be calculated until term final grades are posted.

Question: Can grades be changed after submitted? Changes can be made until grades are approved. Once grades are approved, changes can be made only with submission of (paper) Grade Change Report form to Registrar’s Office. Here’s what iSIS help says:

Once a final grade is submitted to iSIS, whether through KSOL or directly, the faculty member must verify and approve the final grade. Once the final grade has been approved in iSIS, the grade may no longer be altered electronically by the faculty member. A paper grade change form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for any grade changes after the final approval of grades by a faculty member.

Grade rosters will not be posted until after classes end, i.e., classes end on Friday and grade rosters will be available on Saturday. Grades cannot be submitted prior to posting of grade rosters.

Drop Deadlines/Fee Refunds

When the deadline for 100% and 50% refunds falls on Sunday, the deadline is extended through the following Monday. This will be a problem with iSIS. Students will have to request backdated drops to receive refund. Students will be able to process drops themselves, and likely will be unaware of this glitch until they don’t receive the refund. Mike will check again with Student Financials to see if refund extension to Monday can be accommodated.

What the University calendar says:

When a 100% refund deadline date falls on a Saturday or a Sunday or a holiday, the refund must be processed no later than the next business day in Enrollment Services, 210 Willard Hall, 8:15 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 1 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Advising Holds after Day 7 of Term

Mike requested college representatives confirm if advising holds are to be reapplied on Day 7 of the term or not. All but CBA want advising holds reapplied. (Actually, AS prefers not, but sees the hold as the only way to monitor student athlete enrollment.)

Beginning Day 8, advising holds will be reapplied (except for CBA). If student wants to drop a class (Days 8-68), student contacts adviser to have hold removed, then goes into iSIS self-service and drops course. Adviser will have to reapply advising hold to prevent further enrollment action.

Non-degree Adviser Holds

Linda Morse revisited the concern about advising holds preventing non-degree students from enrolling. No adviser or contact is listed, so students do not know how to have hold removed. Colleges agreed to assign advisers to non-degree students and facilitate their enrollment, but we need a report of non-degree students to accomplish that. Linda will work on getting report.

Adviser/Advisee Report

Report is still being worked on. One problem: report includes ONLY students who have adviser assigned. We need a “missing adviser” report in order to assign advisers.

Current priorities

Mike C. reported that the current priorities are the 20th Day Census and transcripts.

Other topics

Prematric changes: security has been changed to allow admissions staff to enter advisers.

Student roles seem to be working OK, although some problems in AS. Students WILL NOT be given faculty/staff roles.

Reminder: if copy of waitlist is needed, run on Day 7 before purge is done. Ability to run waitlist report should be part of Department role.

Spring 2009 class schedule was reopened to allow colleges to correct errors in class meeting dates.

Date and Time for Next Meeting. Next meeting will be September 10 at 9:00 AM in 113 Seaton.