
Manhattan Ultimate Summer League

Roster in order by Last Name (rather than by team)

Note: League communications will be sent to you by e-mail from the K-State Utlimate Listserv (KSUULTIMATE-L@LISTSERV.KSU.EDU). If you have not been receiving e-mails from that address, send an e-mail to shawnkokenge@yahoo.com to let him know. He will then add you to the listserv for the summer and remove you from it after the summer is over.

Home Teams Schedule Standings Register Contact Past Years
Pool A Pool B
Star Bellied Sneetches Marvin K. Money Go Long Now! Horton Hucks a Who Seuss is Loose Wocket Hucks in Bunches 7 Hump Wump Lorax's Axe Cat in the Hat Lays Out Foxes in Soxes Circus McGurkus
Shirt color:
Shirt color: Sky
Shirt color: Oceana
Shirt color: Lime
Shirt color:
Shirt color:
Shirt color:
Irish Green
Shirt color:
Shirt color:
Heather Cardinal
Shirt color:
Mark Vazquez
Shawn Kokenge
Brian Anderson
Brady Vandegrift
Brett Wobker
Matt Krehbiel
Richard Brusk
Jimmie Blevins
Bruce Broce
Tom Grund
2. Adriel Ruiz 2. Adam Kramer 2. Alicia Pitts
2. Adam Owens
2. Brandt Busse
2. Amanda Cashman
2. Andrew Featherstone 2. Alex Tran 2. Becky Broce 2. Amanda Foster
3. Alisha Hall 3. Bash Nelson 3. Andrew Davis
3. Bethany Campbell
3. Grant Thome
3. Angelica Peralta
3. Autumn Cuddy 3. Ben Brabec 3. Ben McManigal 3. Austin Carnes
4. Andrew Betancourt 4. Chad Hamilton 4. Brad Ledford
4. Brent Riffel
4. Jeremy Hoffman
4. Beth Watson
4. Bo Love 4. Brandon Hall 4. Billy Razey 4. Becky Hartnett
5. Brittany Hoyle 5. Clint Merkel 5. Brian Geiger
5. Chaz Hill
5. Jessica Heier
5. Brian Godsey
5. Caleb Dodd 5. Chris Youderian 5. Blake Belanger 5. Christina Amerin
6. Chris Aikens 6. Durell Lefler 6. Brian Stuckenschmidt
6. Diane Grauer
6. Jon Pickard
6. Bryan Kerling
6. Casey Chapel 6. Chuck Bloomfield 6. Chris Dirks 6. Eric Schultz
7. Darren Stephens 7. Elizabeth Pankl 7. Chuck Kipp
7. Drew Anderson
7. Jonathan Mclalland
7. Charles Coats
7. Claire Matthews 7. Emilie Throop 7. Courtney Markle 7. Greg May
8. David Kilby 8. Erica Hamilton 8. Cody Wheeler
8. Dustin Boling
8. Julie Brauer
8. Chris Holborn
8. Daniel Townsend 8. Joe Nguyen 8. Dale Askey 8. Ika Vlok
9. Kaleb James 9. Jason Coleman 9. John Turner
9. Emily Martinez
9. Kyleen Krehbiel
9. Daniel Montanez
9. David Robinson 9. Katie Johnson 9. Dave Colburn 9. Jon Long
10. Kristina Wagner 10. Jay Sweet 10. Lisa Beck
10. Hazen Short
10. Lee Scherman
10. Daniel Myers-Bowman
10. Felix Winfough 10. Kyle Kriegh 10. Harish Maringanti 10. Jonathan Leeks
11. Kyle Ochs 11. Karly Geller 11. Lori Howard
11. Joe Turner
11. Lindsey Curtis
11. Drew Ising
11. Harvard Townsend 11. Kyle Welch 11. Henry Huguley 11. Josh Stacey
12. Matthew Olson 12. Mark Labounty 12. Melissa Cessna
12. Kevin Tulp
12. Meghann Winkler
12. Emilio Montanez
12. Jake Purdy 12. Mackenzie Shardlow 12. Linsay Anderson 12. Kelly Chang
13. Nathan Flack 13. Nicole Rogers 13. Meredith Kueck
13. Kevin Van Slyke
13. Mike Stamm
13. Emilio Montanez Sr.
13. Jim Weaver 13. Matt Baker 13. Mikey Razey 13. Owen Carnes
14. Sarah Nealeigh 14. Peter Conrad 14. Nik Stavropoulos
14. Laura Grauer
14. Paul Sadowski
14. Frank Willis
14. John Homer 14. Sarah Bowe 14. Nora Johnson 14. Pam Engels
15. Scott Kohl 15. Ric Rosenkranz 15. Paden Town
15. Mason Muilenburg
15. Renata Dill
15. Isaac Fees
15. Kevin Porter 15. Sheena Parsons 15. Pam McGlynn 15. Sarah Hurd
16. Shawn Gamache 16. Sara Rosenkranz 16. Paul Nyberg
16. Noel Stuckenschmidt
16. Robbie Moon
16. Kallie Emig
16. Larry Bryan 16. Slava Rubshinsky 16. Rich Markle 16. Wesley Bruce
17. Shelton Burch 17. Tanner Marshall 17. Preston Winter
17. Renee Thompson
17. Ryan Landry
17. Kelcie Glick
17. Laura Homer 17. Will Weyhrauch 17. Sam Adams 17.
18. Tawny McMurphy 18. Will Klobasa 18. Sara Outhier
18. Samantha Gourley
18. Lauren Passantino
18. Leshia Hansen 18. 18. Stacy Anderson 18.
19. Trey Thompson 19. Zac Johnston 19. Scott Teenor
19. Scott Moir
19. Marquis Mello
19. Megan Crane 19. 19. 19.
20. 20. 20. Stacy Otte
20. Thomas Owens
20. Neal Godsey
20. Nathan Owens 20. 20. 20.
21. 21. 21. Zach Moore
21. Nicole Montanez
21. Ruben Winfough 21. 21. 21.
22. 22. 22.
22. Patrick Lin
22. Sean Conner 22. 22. 22.
23. 23. 23.
23. 23. 23. 23.
24. 24. 24.
24. 24. 24. 24.
25. 25. 25.
25. 25. 25. 25.