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K-State Today

November 21, 2023

Support K-State United Way campaign

Submitted by K-State United Way Committee

As we navigate through the challenges of our daily lives, it's crucial to remember the impact we can make when we come together for a common cause. The K-State United Way campaign is providing you with a unique opportunity to contribute to a greater good, and in return, you could win some fantastic perks.

Donate and win

By contributing a minimum of $2 per pay period through the Human Resources Information System, or HRIS, to the Konza United Way, you not only support a noble cause but also become eligible for an exciting drawing. Imagine having the chance to enjoy one full paid day off or securing a coveted one-year parking pass on campus. Your generosity can be rewarded with these valuable incentives, making your donation a win-win for both you and our community.

Supporting United for Alice

Your donations go beyond personal benefits; they extend to supporting United for Alice. ALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, represents the increasing number of families struggling to afford basic necessities such as housing, child care, food, transportation, health care and technology. These hardworking families face financial challenges while keeping our local communities functioning.

In response to these obstacles, Konza United Way launched the Financial Stability Partnership. This initiative supports programs that bring about community change, aiding families in meeting their basic needs and gaining the financial capability to plan for long-term goals.

Making a difference

Here are some of the impactful programs your contributions support:

  1. Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency (aTa Bus) Fixed Route Program: Providing reliable transportation to underemployed and low-income members in St. George, Wamego, Riley County and Junction City for work, school, medical appointments and shopping.
  2. Housing and Credit Counseling, Inc.: Offering certified, professional counseling with budgeting advice, including financial goal-setting, debt repayment guidance and credit rebuilding.
  3. Kansas Legal Services: Advocating for victims of domestic violence, children, the homeless, the elderly and individuals with disabling conditions through the court system.
  4. Manhattan Emergency Shelter, Inc.: Providing hope and shelter for those in need of transitional housing.
  5. Northeast Kansas Community Action Program, Inc.: Offering rent and utility assistance to individuals in need in Marshall and Pottawatomie counties.

Let's come together, support one another and make a difference. Your donation matters.

In this issue

From the provost
News and research
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance