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K-State Today

October 17, 2023

Learn about NSF Engine project at Research Connections

Submitted by Beth Montelone

The Office of the Vice President for Research is inviting interested faculty to stop by the NSF Engines booth at the 2023 Research Connections event to learn more about the NSF Engines Development Award and how to collaborate. Stop by from 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the K-State Alumni Center Banquet Room.

In May, K-State received a National Science Foundation Engines Development Award titled "Advancing Biosecurity, Biodefense, and Biomanufacturing Technologies in the Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri Region."

This award will build upon existing activity in the Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri region and aims to promote economic development by making the region a hub of research, education and manufacturing through advancing three main areas related to use-inspired research, increasing translation of innovations into the marketplace and workforce development. Ultimately, the project aims to successfully compete for a Type II Innovation Engine award in two years, which is a 10-year, 160-million-dollar investment in this ecosystem. The project will need to engage a range of partners and K-State faculty to support and shape this work.

Learn more about the Development Award or email bio-dev-engine@k-state.edu.