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K-State Today

July 31, 2020

Bolton elected to lead multistate research group

Submitted by Debra J. Bolton

At its recent annual meeting, the North Central Extension Research Activity group, NCERA 216, elected Debra Bolton, director of intercultural learning and academic success, as chair of this multistate initiative for the next two years.

Created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, multistate research and teaching activities allows state Agricultural Experiment Stations to collaborate interdependently in research projects one state tends not to address singularly. Considered a very high standard for any research project, the multistate effort of NCERA 216 focuses on academic, research and educational explorations in immigrant communities and its subsequent programming to address integration, exclusions, education, work safety, civic engagement, entrepreneurship, building immigrant-friendly institutions and communities, family and community education, job readiness, aging and nutrition.

Bolton continues her work with NCERA 216, which began during her 13.5 years with K-State Research and Extension as specialist faculty. Participation in extension research activities groups comes as an appointment by the dean of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station director.

Bolton's two-year focus for the group includes establishing and maintaining regional linkages among researchers and outreach specialists, promoting community development, and developing plans to identify and obtain funding for single- and multistate projects relating to Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, immigrants and other historically underrepresented identity groups.

Bolton's two-year term began July 15.