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  4. »Determining Tax Status for Foreign National Employees session offered Nov. 7

K-State Today

October 24, 2019

Determining Tax Status for Foreign National Employees session offered Nov. 7

Submitted by Human Capital Services – Learning and Development

Determining Tax Status for Foreign National Employees, WHR146, will be offered from 9-11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, in the Edwards Hall commons area.

Human Capital Services is offering this session specifically for K-State employees who are responsible for processing personnel and payroll transactions for foreign national employees. This session will provide an overview on how a foreign national employee's tax status is determined. Presenters will focus on providing a basic understanding of the Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations associated with tax withholding requirements based on whether the foreign national is a nonresident or resident for tax purposes as well as discussing tax treaty benefits and the appropriate forms required.

 Participants will learn how to do the following from the session:

  • Identify the IRS tax withholding requirements.
  • Determine whether a foreign national is a nonresident or resident for tax purposes.
  • Determine if tax treaty benefits apply.
  • Select the additional forms required when putting a foreign national on the payroll.

To register for this session, you can either sign up through HRIS self-service or send an email to Megan Eakin at learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu. When sending an email, please include your name, employee ID and the course title.

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