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K-State Today

May 1, 2014

Mathematics Colloquium lecture today

Submitted by Reta McDermott

Peter Schiavone, University of Alberta, will present "Boundary Integral Equation Methods in Elasticity Problems with Boundary Reinforcement" as part of the mathematics department colloquium lecture series at 2:30 p.m. today in 122 Cardwell Hall.

The abstract for the lecture is:

In this seminar, we discuss the role of boundary integral equation methods in establishing well-posedness results (in the sense of Hadamard) in a series of interesting and practical problems arising in the linear theory of elastic solids. In particular, we review the contribution of various singular integral/integro-differential equations to a variety of interesting mathematical models in the linear theory of deformation of elastic solids, for example, singular integro-differential equations developed from a linear theory of elastic boundary reinforcement for plane deformations of elastic solids. This area has become topical most recently as a result of its connection with surface mechanics and its contributions to the description of the deformation of solids at the nanoscale.

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