Shortcuts for Navigating Through Word Documents - Word for Mac 2011

Keyboard Commands for Moving the Insertion Point

Use these keyboard commands to quickly position the insertion point (cursor) in your document. These commands work with the Apple Keyboard and may not work with the keyboards on MacBook laptop computers.

To move to


End of line Command+right-arrow

Beginning of line


Beginning of current paragraph


Beginning of next paragraph


Beginning of document

Command+Home (not available on MacBook)

End of document

Command+End (not available on MacBook)

Preceding insertion point


Go To Tab

The Go To tab in the Find and Replace dialog box is a powerful tool for moving quickly through a large document. Follow these basic steps:

Step 1: Open the Go To tab using one of these methods:

  • On the Edit menu, point to Find, then click Go To
  • Hold down the Option/Alt and Command keys and press G
  • Press F5

You should now see the Find and Replace dialog box with the Go To tab selected:

Image showing the Find and Replace dialog box with the Go To tab selected

Step 2: In the Go to what: menu, click the desired category. Choices include:

  • Page
  • Section
  • Line
  • Bookmark
  • Comment
  • Footnote
  • Endnote
  • Field
  • Table
  • Graphic
  • Equation
  • Object
  • Heading

Step 3: Click the Next button to move to next location.

Alternatively, you can move to a specific location. For example, to go to page 95, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Go To tab.
  2. In the Go to what: box, click Page.
  3. Enter 95 in the Enter page number: box.
  4. Click the Next button.

Notice the name of the Enter box changes according to the item selected in the “Go to what” box. For example, if you select Table in the Go to what box, the Enter box changes to Enter table number.

Split Window and New Window

The Split Window allows you to open two separate Word panes on your monitor and view a different portion of your document within each pane. To turn on Split Window, follow these steps:

  1. On the Window menu, click Split.
  2. A horizontal split bar appears in the document window.
  3. Drag the split bar to where you want it, and then either click the bar or press Enter.
  4. To return to a single window, click Remove Split on the Window menu.

This method only splits the window horizontally, not vertically. If you prefer to work in two "panes" that are arranged side-by-side instead of top-and-bottom, open the document in a second window. To do this, on the Window menu, click New Window. This will open a second window of the same document, and you can then arrange the two windows side-by-side.

Select Browse Object Button

The double-headed arrows at the bottom of the right-side vertical scroll bar allow you to move up or down through your document using the unit defined by the Select Browse Object Button. This is the small, circular button that appears between the double-headed arrows.

Image showing location of the Select Browse Object Button

Click the Select Browse Object Button to select the browse unit. Choices include section, endnote, footnote, table, graphic, heading, edit, etc.

For example, if you want to quickly browse through each table in your document, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Select Browse Object Button.
  2. On the palette, click the icon for Table.
  3. Click the up or down double-headed arrows to move to the next or previous table.

Table of Contents

To jump to any location listed in your Table of Contents, point to the location, and click.