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Epsilon Sigma Phi - Alpha Rho Chapter

Complete List of Officer Responsibilities

President Responsibilities

  1. Presides at all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Schedules regular meetings and plans meeting agendas in partnership with executive board.
  3. Establishes chapter goals in partnership with executive board. National Chapter of Merit and Achievement in Membership awards criteria may provide helpful information for this process.
  4. Provides a list of responsibilities and any special tasks for the year to standing and special committees as needed to achieve the chapter goals.
  5. Gives president's report at business meetings and in newsletters to membership throughout the year.
  6. Notifies national office of new officers and committee chairs.
  7. Represents the chapter at regional JCEP workshop.
  8. Serves on Board of Trustees of the Extension Endowment Fund.
  9. Corresponds with ESP national executive director on behalf of the chapter.
  10. Represents chapter in the selection process for national recognition.
  11. Applies for national Chapter of Merit and Achievement in Chapter Membership awards.
  12. Submits appropriate communication to national executive director prior to national conference. (ie. voting delegates, names for memorial list, etc.)
  13. Represents the chapter as a voting delegate at the national council meeting and regional meeting during national conference.
  14. Signs all certificates of recognition to chapter members.
  15. Notifies membership of time, location and agenda for annual business meeting, and constitution and bylaw proposed changes in accordance with the constitution and bylaws.
  16. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  17. Works with annual recognition reception committee on agenda.
  18. Presides over annual recognition reception. Installs new officers and assists with recognition as requested by committee chairs.
  19. Works closely with president-elect to facilitate successful transition.
  20. Serves as past president during year following presidency.
  21. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  22. Submits appropriate documents to historian for the archives.
  23. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.

President-Elect Responsibilities

  1. Attends meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Coordinates work of chapter committees:
        •  Communicates with chair and chair-elect about roles and responsibilities.
        •  Appoints all chair-elect and members of committees prior to transitioning to president. (Before October 1) Other officers may be helpful in this process.
        •  Assists recognition committee in submitting nominations for national recognition.
        •  Appoints new members who joined during annual conference to committees.
  3. Works closely with president as a learning/preparation experience.
  4. Fulfills responsibilities in the absence of the president.
  5. Gives president-elect report at chapter meetings and in newsletters.
  6. Serves on the Extension Endowment Fund Board of Trustees.
  7. Serves as a representative for ESP along with the chair and chair-elect of the ESP Professionalism Committee to the United Association Conference Planning Committee.
  8. Represents the chapter:
        •  as a voting delegate at the national conference
        •  at regional Joint Council pf Extension Professionals (JCEP) workshop
        •  at Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD). Apply for scholarships to PILD.
  9. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  10. Presides at the end of the annual banquet following installation of officers. Presents a gift from the chapter membership to the outgoing president.
  11. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  12. Submit appropriate documents to historian for the archive.
  13. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.

Secretary Responsibilities

  1. Attends all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Gives secretary's report at council meetings and in newsletters.
  3. Keeps the complete record of all chapter meetings. Once reviewed for approval post on website and notify members.
  4. Handles all official correspondence on behalf of the chapter.
  5. Works with the historian to collect materials including hard copies of minutes for chapter archives.
  6. Prepares an annual report:
       • Contacts all officers and committee chairs for reports 6 weeks prior to annual conference
       • Edits and formats content
       • Distributes at annual business meeting
       • Forwards to webmaster for posting on the web
       • Provides a printed copy to historian for the chapter archives
  7. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  8. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.

Treasurer Responsibilities

  1. Attends all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Gives treasurer's report at business meetings and in newsletters to membership throughout the year.
  3. Maintains chapter checking, savings and other accounts as necessary.
  4. Maintains e-mail listservs of chapter membership to include national office, regional vice-president and the K-State archivist.
  5. Keeps record of all chapter income and expenses using approved accounting procedures.
  6. Provides names to membership committee and council directors for contacting prospective new associate, annual and life members.
  7. Provides names to council directors of former members who are delinquent in paying dues.
  8. Collects membership dues, submits annual and life member dues and reports to national executive director by deadline established by national office.
  9. Accepts life membership payments from retired chapter members and forwards them to national executive director.
  10. Pays budgeted bills routinely. Pays non-budgeted bills as authorized by the board.
  11. Works with Budget and Audit committee:
          •  develops budget for upcoming year
          •  has financial records audited immediately after close of chapter fiscal year
  12. Gives the treasurer's report at the annual business meeting, including a written annual financial summary.
  13. Maintains chapter membership lists and historical membership database.
  14. Serves on the Extension Endowment Fund Board of Trustees.
  15. Communicates with the K-State Foundation regarding funds available for grants. Submits grant requests to the foundation for funding.
  16. Serves as the chapter "executive officer" in providing continuity for the operation of the local chapter to include ongoing communication with the chapter president.
  17. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  18. Submits appropriate documents to historian for the archives.
  19. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  20. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.

Historian Responsibilities

  1. Attends all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Gives historian report at chapter meetings and in newsletters.
  3. Contacts University Archivist to become familiar with the process for adding items to the archives. Visits the archives if possible.
  4. Maintains chapter historical records and memorabilia with assistance of other officers:
        •  constitution and bylaws
        •  minutes
        •  newsletters (state and national)
        •  membership lists (annual and life)
        •  chapter awards
        •  annual banquet programs
        •  national conference recognition programs
        •  others
  5. Contributes information of historical significance to chapter newsletter.
  6. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  7. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  8. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.

Editor Responsibilities

  1. Attends all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Gives editor's report at business meetings and in newsletters.
  3. Solicits information, edits and publishes at least two issues of the chapter newsletter annually. The number of issues will be determined by the council.
        •Issues are currently published in July (Summer issue) and December (Winter issue).
  4. Edits and publishes any additional publications as determined by the council.
  5. Newsletters will be posted on the chapter web site by the ESP webmaster. The editor will e-mail the membership listserv that the newsletter is posted. Copies will be mailed to retirees by Extension Operations.
  6. Prepares annual banquet program
        • At least three months prior to annual conference contacts the Department of Communications to establish a time frame for final editing, layout and duplication of the program.
        • Communicates with the annual banquet committee and the chapter president about the content of the program.
        • At least two months prior to annual conference contacts officers and committee chairs for their
    information for the annual banquet program.
        • Edits information in cooperation with committee chairs, chapter president, president-elect, and treasurer.
        • Makes arrangements for delivery of programs to annual banquet.
  7. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  8. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  9. Provides to the historian for the chapter archives at Hale Library:
       • annual banquet program
       • chapter newsletters
       • other special publications
  10. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.
  11. Useful websites:
        • ESP National Templates, Artwork, Logos, etc. --www.espnational.org Click on "Materials", then "Templates".
        • Past Newsletters 
        • Resources -- Listserv addresses, ESP Letterhead -- www.ksre.ksu.edu/esp-AlphaRho

Past President Responsibilities

  1. Attends all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Serves as advisor to the chapter.
  3. Gives past president's report at business meetings and in newsletters.
  4. Serves as chair of Extension Endowment Fund Board of Trustees.
        • presides at all meetings of the Endowment Fund Board of Trustees
        • appoints committee for fund raising as needed
        • promotes Endowment Fund Grant and Scholarships to membership
        • receives applications and calls meeting of board of trustees to select recipients
        • announces grant recipients at annual banquet
        • communicates with grant recipients following annual banquet about process for receiving grant funds
        • reports regularly at business meetings and in newsletters to membership throughout the year 
        • fulfills other responsibilities as needed
  5. Chairs the chapter nominating committee to select slate of officers for the coming year.
  6. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  7. Submits appropriate documents to historian for the archives.
  8. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  9. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.

Council Director Responsibilities

Director descriptions:

   •  Council Directors for areas and state serve on the Membership Recruitment and Retention committee.
   • Council Director for retirees serves on Retiree committee.
   • The Extension Director's representative serves as a communication link between administration and the chapter.

  1. Attends meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  2. Represents their area of membership on the council.
  3. Gives director's report at council meetings and in newsletters to membership throughout the year. Highlights new members, retirements and special recognitions.
  4. Encourages members to engage in the work of the chapter.
  5. Contacts prospective members who received a membership invitation and encourages them to join.
  6. Sends a letter of congratulations to those who have joined from area.
  7. Reminds members to pay dues.
  8. Solicits nominations for awards from members in their area.
  9. Recognizes members in their area who have received chapter recognition.
  10. Submits report for chapter annual report.
  11. Submit appropriate documents to historian for the archives.
  12. Keeps a file, box, or notebook of details of the office (including time line) up-to-date to pass on to successor.
  13. Fulfills other responsibilities as needed.Attends all meetings of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi.