
Manhattan Ultimate Summer League
Manhattan, Kansas
Teams Schedule Standings Register Contact Past Years

Registration has ended. If there is some reason you couldn't sign up in time or you are female ( we still need more women on each team) email shawnkokenge@yahoo.com and we can talk about it. We might be able to find a team for you, but it will be on the team that needs players- you can't just come and walk on a team.


Be sure to!!!!!!............

Print the waiver formand bring signed waiver to 1st game.


Our sponsors keep MUSL affordable.  Suport us by supporting them. Rock-A-Belly Deli and Bluestem Bistro will be handing out coupons at the games randomly throughout the season.

  • ROCK-A-BELLY DELI-- sandwiches and brews, Aggieville 539-8033 
  • BLUESTEM BISTRO-- cafe and bakery, Aggieville 587-8888 
  • WALSON INK-- screen printing, 539-1820
Rock-a-Belly Deli
Bluestem Bistro
Walson Ink