Manhattan Ultimate Summer League
Manhattan, Kansas
Teams Schedule Standings Register Contact

Check the 'teams' tab to peruse the rosters and the 'schedule' to see who you play when. We'll have 9 weeks of ultimate this summer.

Through the end of July, pickup games are now Tuesdays at 5:15 pm at the President's field, and Sundays 7:00 pm at the rec fields.

Games are every Thursday 7pm (except July 20 will start at 6:30) at the Rec fields (Dickens and Kimball). The season will run through July 27th

There is a $10 fee (checks to KSU Ultimate) to play and to get a shirt.

  • Here's this years T-shirt!!

    Happy hucking.

  • F.A.Q's

    Manhattan Ultimate Summer League is sponsored by Rock-A-Belly Bar & Deli at 718 N. Manhattan Avenue. Please support our sponsor!!

                                    Rock-A-Belly Bar & Deli