Web Resources for
British Literature (1660-Present)
(Compiled and maintained by Professor Karin Westman.)

Below you'll find web links for British history and culture, literary movements, and for the authors we're reading this semester. Some sites are better than others; as always when using the web, evaluate not only the quantity of the information presented, but its quality (the source of that information or its sponsor, date uploaded, etc.).

British History and Culture | General Literary Resources | Authors

British History and Culture

Historical Background

Cultural Contexts


The Booker Prize

Current Media

Fashion and Costume

Landscape Gardening

General Literary Resources

Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Resources

Nineteenth-Century Resources

Modernism Resources

Contemporary Resources

Colonial and Postcolonial Literary Resources


Popular Literature Resources


Chinua Achebe

Matthew Arnold

Aphra Behn

Rupert Brooke

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Robert Browning

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Joseph Conrad

T. S. Eliot

George Farquhar

Thomas Hardy

Seamus Heaney

Samuel Johnson

John Keats

Philip Larkin

John Stuart Mill

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Wilfred Owen

Alexander Pope

Christina Rossetti

Siegfried Sassoon

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Mary Shelley

Wole Soyinka

Tom Stoppard

Jonathan Swift

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Derek Walcott

Oscar Wilde

John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester

Mary Wollstonecraft

Virginia Woolf

William Wordsworth

W.B. Yeats


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Department of English | Kansas State University
Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated September 2006