You may have stumbled on the course by making a Google search, from a link on another website, or from a recommendation by another parent. You may be a parent of young children or teenagers. You may not yet be a parent. You may be a high school student taking the course as part of your schoolwork. The course is designed for everyone who cares about children.

You may have discovered Responsive Discipline after being mandated by the courts to take a parent education program or after being encouraged by a counselor to consider the course. If so, you are welcome here, and I am happy that you found Responsive Discipline: Effective Tools for Parents.

There are limits to what we can hope to accomplish with an on-line course on child guidance and discipline that is open to the public.

If you are a parent educator
If you are a teacher
If you are a counselor
If a court has told you to take it

Next: Costs