2. »SIIL Videos

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification

SIIL Videos

These are a selection of videos produced by the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CESAIN), a SIIL-supported project in Cambodia.


The Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) is the leading public agricultural university in Cambodia. In order to attain their projected research goals, the university works with collaborators like the United States Agency for International Aid (USAID) and SIIL. To learn more about the partnership between RUA and USAID, and the advancements they have made to promote sustainable agriculture in Cambodia, be sure to watch this video!

In Cambodia, traditional farming methods often led to low production outputs, soil, water and biodiversity degradation, and poor nutrition. To address these issues, USAID teamed up with Cambodia’s leading agricultural university and created the Center of Excellence for Sustainable Agriculture Intensification and Nutrition (CESAIN). Check out the video above to learn more about this partnership and what they are doing!

Phong Saret, a 34-year-old smallholder farmer, shares his story about living in Prei Tlok Village,  Siem Reap, and how with support from the Feed the Future initiative, USAID was able to work with Saret and his wife to train them in sustainable agricultural intensification practices. Through this training, the couple has been able to increase the productivity of their farm immensely. To hear their story, check out the video!