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Department of Modern Languages

Notable News

Art Bytes with Modern Languages Part Two

Painting "Kikusui I, 1970" by Sakiko Ide

 In a second installment of Beach Museum's "Art Bytes" series, Miki Loschky discusses the painting "Kikusui I, 1970" by Sakiko Ide. You can find the English version of the video here and the Japanese version here.


(painting by Sakiko Ide, "Kikusui I, 1970", courtesy of the Beach Art Museum)

Art Bytes with Modern Languages

Haying, a painting by Bernard SteffenThis semester, the Dept. of Modern Languages is teaming up with the Beach Museum of Art to provide immersive learning experiences and professional development opportunities for our bilingual students while increasing access to the museum’s collection to speakers of languages other than English. "Art Bytes" is a new series of short videos about works in the KSU Beach Museum collection. This semester, Spanish M.A. student Fernanda Ramírez and faculty mentor Dr. Laura Kanost are partnering with the museum to create Spanish versions of the videos. Fernanda is completing an independent study in which she translates the English video transcripts and films videos using her Spanish translations. She is using professional software to develop a termbase (glossary) of specialized terms. This project was a perfect match for Fernanda, given her interest in art and previous work with art translation in Dr. Kanost's Advanced Spanish Translation class. Check out Fernanda’s first video and stay tuned—Japanese versions will be coming soon!

(painting by Bernard Joseph Steffen, "Haying", courtesy of the Beach Art Museum)