National Extension Family Life Specialist Conference
Networking Selections (updated February 20)

The National Specialist Meeting will have four time periods involving nearly eight hours of networking opportunities. Please complete and return this form to sign up for each of the four networking sessions. For each session, you can select a topic that is already scheduled or add another topic of your choice with the hope of attracting other specialists to sign up. Feel free to add a new topic for a session that is already listed for a different session time. The person suggesting a topic will be first on the list and will be considered the leader for that topic for that session.

The more different topics you choose, the greater variety you will have at the expense of depth. If you choose four different topics, your opportunities for networking will be varied but more superficial. If you choose four different topics, the amount you can contribute to each group will be reduced, potentially weakening that group's impact. Prioritize your selections.

These are informal networking groups, not workshops or seminars. Approximately two weeks before the conference, this list will be stabilized and no further changes will occur.

If you have already submitted a plan and would like to change your selections, please complete and return the form again. Resubmit this form as often as necessary (though try to keep the number of submissions to a minimum to reduce the bookkeeping). Updates to this list will be made weekly (check the revision date below). If the original leader has left a topic list, the next person on the list becomes the leader. Topics that have been orphaned (those who signed up for it have all chosen different topics) will be removed from the list.

You will be contacted before the conference with more information about preparing for networking at the conference. Feel free to contact others who have signed up to begin planning prior to the meeting. Leaders are responsible for guiding their networking group. Leader responsibilities will be outlined later. Leadership can be shared or shifted to others during the conference. Preparation is critical to success. Be sure to provide your name, state, and email address at the conclusion of the form. Submissions without this identifying information will not be accepted. Time constrarints will not allow me to contact you if your submission appears to be incomplete (e.g., submitting fewer than four networking choices). Check this page about one week after submitting to check your selections.

Session 1

Friday, 2:45-4:30/Networking Session I
Please check one of the following:
Adolescent sexuality How do Family Life Educators across the country deal with controversial issues surrounding adolescent sexuality? How does the sensitive nature of the topic affect the type of programing offered?
Current Participants
Lynn Pike (Missouri: pikel@missouri.edu)
Ted Futris (Ohio: futris.1@osu.edu)
Rosalie Bakken (Nebraska: rbakken2@unl.edu)
Jennifer Kerpelman (Alabama: jennifer.kerpelman@auburn.edu)
Diane Sasser (Louisiana: agctr.lsu.edu)
Divorce education

What Extension models are currently available? What competencies do Extension agents (educators)need for programming in this area?
Current Participants
Charlotte Shoup Olsen (Kansas: colsen@oznet.ksu.edu)
Francesca Adler-Baeder (Alabama: adlerfr@auburn.edu)
Denise J. Brandon (Tennessee: djbrandon@utk.edu)
Sara Gable (Missouri: gables@missouri.edu)
Don Bower (Georgia: dbower@uga.edu)
Kathy Bosch (Nebraska: kbosch@unl.edu)
Jacqueline J. Kirby (Ohio: kirby.21@osu.edu)
Millie Ferrer (Florida: ferrer@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Kim Thalhuber (Missouri: thalhuberk@missouri.edu)
Harriet Shaklee (Idaho: hshaklee@uidaho.edu)
Dena Targ (Indiana: targd@cfs.purdue.edu)
Dawn Contreras (Michigan: contrera@msue.msu.edu)
Wayne Matthews (North Carolina: wayne_matthews@ncsu.edu)
Sandra Bailey (Montana: baileys@montana.edu)
Bob Fetsch (Colorado: fetsch@cahs.colostate.edu)
Sean Brotherson (North Dakota: sbrother@ndsuext.nodak.edu)
Judy Branch (Vermont: judy.branch@uvm.edu)
Elaine Wilson (Oklahoma: emwilso@okstate.edu)

The National Extension Parent Education Model (NEPEM)

What is the National Extension Parent Education Model? What are its strengths and limitations? What direction should it take over the next 10 years?
Current Participants
Chuck Smith (Kansas: casmith@ksu.edu)
Judy Myers-Walls (Indiana: myerswal@cfs.purdue.edu)
C. L. Wayne Moore (Missouri: moorecl@missouri.edu)
Wally Goddard (Arkansas: wgoddard@uaex.edu)
Kimberly Greder (Iowa: kgreder@iastate.edu)
Drew Betz (Washington: betz@wsu.edu)
Mildred Holland (Mississippi: mholland@lorman.alcorn.edu)
Sue Miles (West Virginia: cmiles@wvu.edu)
Darlene P. Moss (American Samoa: darlenemoss@yahoo.com)
Diana Tarrant (American Samoa: ditarrant@yahoo.com)
Linda Ladd (Texas: l-ladd@tamu.edu)
Eunice Bonsi (Alabama: ebonsi@tusk.edu)
Reina Camacho (Saipan, MP: reinac@nmcnet.edu)
Aaron Ebata (Illinois: a-ebata@uiuc.edu)
Maureen T. Mulroy (Connecticut: mmulroy@uconn.edu)
Angela Wiley (Illinois: awiley@uiuc.edu)
Anna Mae Kobbe (USDA: akobbe@reeusda.gov)

Family caregiving/elder Care

What are Extension Specialists doing to help families provide care to elders? Has the introduction of the National Family Caregiver Support Program affected your programming and partnerships? What are the strengths and weaknesses of existing packaged programs? Are there some ways we can collaborate across state lines to exchange information, share resources
and strengthen programming in this area?
Current Participants
Luci Bearon (North Carolina: luci_bearon@ncsu.edu)
Sam Quick (Kentucky: squick@uky.edu)
Judith Warren (Texas: jl-warren@tamu.edu)
Matt Kaplan (Pennsylvania: msk15@psu.edu)
Collen D. Jolly (Iowa: cjolly@iastate.edu)
Mary Britnall-Peterson (Wisconsin: Mary.Britnall-Peterson@ces.uwex.edu)
Kerri Parsons (Kansas: parsons@humec.ksu.edu)
Susan Meyers (Minnesota: smeyers@umn.edu)
Carolyn Wilken (Florida: cswilken@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Christine Price (Ohio: price.121@osu.edu)
Sally Bowman (Oregon: bowman@orst.edu)

Early child care and education

What role do Extension Specialists play in the development of ECE public policy? How can we use our expertise to develop and implement professional development systems in our states? How do we establish effective partnerships with state and national organizations and agencies so that we can bring about more cohesiveness among all the "players" in child care?
Current Participants
Kathy Reschke (Ohio: reschke.1@osu.edu)
Lesia Oesterreich (Iowa: loesterr@iastate.edu)
Ellen Abell (Alabama: abellel@auburn.edu)
Karen DeBord (North Carolina: karen_debord@ncsu.edu)
Susan Walker (Maryland: sw141@umail.umd.edu)
Dave Riley (Wisconsin: dariley@facstaff.wisc.edu)
Rick Peterson (Colorado: Rick.Peterson@cahs.colostate.edu)
Diane Bales (Georgia: dbales@arches.uga.edu)
Ann Michelle Daniels (South Dakota: daniels.michelle@ces.sdstate.edu)
Dorothy James (Texas: d-james@tamu.edu)
Dan Weigel (Nevada: weigeld@unce.unr.edu)

Age-paced resources for parents and caregivers
What can be learned from the Jan 02 Survey about current resources and needs for age-paced resources? What are the implications for building a sustainable multi-state and/or national system?
Current Participants
Pat Tanner Nelson (Delaware: ptnelson@udel.edu)
Diane DelCampo (New Mexico: ddelcamp@nmsu.edu)
Judith Graham (Maine: jgraham@umext.maine.edu)
Carole Gnatuk (Kentucky: cgnatuk@uky.edu)
Sally Martin (Nevada: smartin@unr.nevada.edu)
Peggy Brown (Delaware: pegbrown@udel.edu)
I would like to choose a different topic Add your topic in the box below
Add a topic (and a brief description) at this time slot (only if "I would like to choose a different topic" is selected above, and no other topic is suitable

Session 2

Saturday, 9:45-12:00/Networking Session II
Please check one of the following:
Intergenerational programming How can intergenerational programming strategies be used to enrich Extension programs and heighten impact on children, youth, families, and communities? What existing Extension-based intergenerational models have shown promise and what kinds of support can be garnered at the national level to support/extend these initiatives and stimulate further experimentation?
Current Participants
Matt Kaplan (Pennsylvania: msk15@psu.edu)
Mary Brintnall-Peterson (Wisconsin: Mary.Brintnall-Peterson@ces.uwex.edu)
Collen D. Jolly (Iowa: cjolly@iastate.edu)
Kerri Parsons (Kansas: parsons@humec.ksu.edu)
Eunice Bonsi (Alabama: ebonsi@tusk.edu)
Susan Meyers (Minnesota: smeyers@umn.edu)
Carolyn Wilken (Florida: cswilken@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Christine Price (Ohio: price.121@osu.edu)
Dena Targ (Indiana: targd@cfs.purdue.edu)
Sam Quick (Kentucky: squick@uky.edu)
Ann Michelle Daniels (South Dakota: daniels.michelle@ces.sdstate.edu)
Drew Betz (Washington: betz@wsu.edu)
Heroism and courage as educational goals What does hero mean in our society? How do we help our children develop psychological strength based on a sense of power in response to adversity? How do these strengths unfold from birth onward and how can Extension contribute to their development?
Current Participants
Chuck Smith (Kansas: casmith@ksu.edu)
C. L. Wayne Moore (Missouri: moorecl@missouri.edu)
Linda Ladd (Texas: l-ladd@tamu.edu)
Harriet Shaklee (Idaho: hshaklee@uidaho.edu)
Reina Camacho (Saipan, MP: reinac@nmcnet.edu)
Peace education and violence prevention Rather than just eliminating violent behaviors, adults must help children (and themselves) learn peaceful alternatives. We can discuss the various approaches people have used to help parents and caregivers teach peacemaking to children.
Current Participants
Judy Myers-Walls (Indiana: myerswal@cfs.purdue.edu)
Jennifer Kerpelman (Alabama: jennifer.kerpelman@auburn.edu)
Bob Fetsch (Colorado: fetsch@cahs.colostate.edu)
Elaine Wilson (Oklahoma: emwilso@okstate.edu)
Stepfamilies An estimated 30-40% of children are in stepfamilies. How are we meeting the needs of parents and children in stepfamilies and those who work with them? Discuss implications for programming and educator training.
Current Participants
Francesca Adler-Baeder (Alabama: adlerfr@auburn.edu)
Denise J. Brandon (Tennessee: djbrandon@utk.edu)
Ted Futris (Ohio: futris.1@osu.edu)
Jacqueline J. Kirby (Ohio: kirby.21@osu.edu)
Sandra Bailey (Montana: baileys@montana.edu)
Charlotte Shoup Olsen (Kansas: colsen@oznet.ksu.edu)
Maureen T. Mulroy (Connecticut: mmulroy@uconn.edu)
Kim Thalhuber (Missouri: thalhuberk@missouri.edu)
Dorothy James (Texas: d-james@tamu.edu)
Family child care What training models are being implemented to improve quality child care in this setting? Let's discuss existing efforts within our own states and collaborative opportunities which could emerge from within our own network.
Current Participants
Ellen Abell (Alabama: abellel@auburn.edu)
Judith Warren (Texas: jl-warren@tamu.edu)
Sara Gable (Missouri: gables@missouri.edu)
Kathy Reschke (Ohio: reschke.1@osu.edu)
Jim Van Horn (Pennsylvania: jev@psu.edu)
Lesia Oesterreich (Iowa: loesterr@iastate.edu)
Mildred Holland (Mississippi: mholland@lorman.alcorn.edu)
Rick Peterson (Colorado: Rick.Peterson@cahs.colostate.edu)
Diane Bales (Georgia: dbales@arches.uga.edu)
Dan Weigel (Nevada: weigeld@unce.unr.edu)
Adolescent sexuality How do Family Life Educators across the country deal with controversial issues surrounding adolescent sexuality? How does the sensitive nature of the topic affect the type of programing offered?
Current Participants
Kimberly Greder (Iowa: kgreder@iastate.edu)
Don Bower (Georgia: dbower@uga.edu)
Darlene P. Moss (American Samoa: darlenemoss@yahoo.com)
Diana Tarrant (American Samoa: ditarrant@yahoo.com)
Rosalie Bakken (Nebraska: rbakken2@unl.edu)
Marriage/Couples Education National Model In Extension we have a very useful model for parent education and a developing model for parenting educators. Is it time to think about developing a national Extension model for marriage and couples education?
Current Participants
Wally Goddard (Arkansas: wgoddard@uaex.edu)
Sue Miles (West Virginia: cmiles@wvu.edu)
Karen DeBord (North Carolina: karen_debord@ncsu.edu)
Millie Ferrer (Florida: ferrer@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Diane Sasser (Louisiana: agctr.lsu.edu)
Aaron Ebata (Illinois: a-ebata@uiuc.edu)
Wayne Matthews (North Carolina: wayne_matthews@ncsu.edu)
Sean Brotherson (North Dakota: sbrother@ndsuext.nodak.edu)
Judy Branch (Vermont: judy.branch@uvm.edu)
Anna Mae Kobbe (USDA: akobbe@reeusda.gov)
Age-paced resources for parents and caregivers
Brainstorm and create an action plan for developing a cost-effective, sustainable system possibly including a national website. Languages? Reading levels? Priority age ranges? Inclusive of broader family and consumer sciences topics? Advisory boards?
Current Participants
Pat Tanner Nelson (Delaware: ptnelson@udel.edu)
Susan Walker (Maryland: sw141@umail.umd.edu)
Dawn Contreras (Michigan: contrera@msue.msu.edu)
Judith Graham (Maine: jgraham@umext.maine.edu)
Dave Riley (Wisconsin: dariley@facstaff.wisc.edu)
Diane DelCampo (New Mexico: ddelcamp@nmsu.edu)
Carole Gnatuk (Kentucky: cgnatuk@uky.edu)
Sally Bowman (Oregon: bowman@orst.edu)
Angela Wiley (Illinois: awiley@uiuc.edu)
Sally Martin (Nevada: smartin@unr.nevada.edu)
Peggy Brown (Delaware: pegbrown@udel.edu)
I would like to choose a different topic Add your topic in the box below
Add a topic (and a brief description) at this time slot (only if "I would like to choose a different topic" is selected above, and no other topic is suitable

Session 3

Saturday, 2:45-4:30/Networking Session III
Please check one of the following:
Adolescent sexuality How do Family Life Educators across the country deal with controversial issues surrounding adolescent sexuality? How does the sensitive nature of the topic affect the type of programing offered?
Current Participants
Kimberly Greder (Iowa: kgreder@iastate.edu)
Drew Betz (Washington: betz@wsu.edu)
Rosalie Bakken (Nebraska: rbakken2@unl.edu)
Harriet Shaklee (Idaho: hshaklee@uidaho.edu)
Reina Camacho (Saipan, MP: reinac@nmcnet.edu)
Peggy Brown (Delaware: pegbrown@udel.edu)
Couples/marriage education What are realistic ways to measure the impact of programming in this area?
Current Participants
Charlotte Shoup Olsen (Kansas: colsen@oznet.ksu.edu)
Francesca Adler-Baeder (Alabama: adlerfr@auburn.edu)
Denise J. Brandon (Tennessee: djbrandon@utk.edu)
Wally Goddard (Arkansas: wgoddard@uaex.edu)
Ted Futris (Ohio: futris.1@osu.edu)
Kathy Bosch (Nebraska: kbosch@unl.edu)
Diane Sasser (Louisiana: agctr.lsu.edu)
Dawn Contreras (Michigan: contrera@msue.msu.edu)
Wayne Matthews (North Carolina: wayne_matthews@ncsu.edu)
Sean Brotherson (North Dakota: sbrother@ndsuext.nodak.edu)
Dorothy James (Texas: d-james@tamu.edu)
Judy Branch (Vermont: judy.branch@uvm.edu)
Anna Mae Kobbe (USDA: akobbe@reeusda.gov)
Dan Weigel (Nevada: weigeld@unce.unr.edu)
Extension's response to terrorism
How should extension human development specialists respond to past and potential acts of terrorism in this country? Terrorism is psychological warfare. What role do community-based educators have in helping families deal with fear and anger? How can Extension educators help parents, children, and caregivers deal with the difficult events and teach peaceful alternatives?
Current Participants
Chuck Smith (Kansas: casmith@ksu.edu)
Karen DeBord (North Carolina: karen_debord@ncsu.edu)
Judy Myers-Walls (Indiana: myerswal@cfs.purdue.edu)
Aaron Ebata (Illinois: a-ebata@uiuc.edu)
Judith Graham (Maine: jgraham@umext.maine.edu)
Family child care What training models are being implemented to improve quality child care in this setting? Let's discuss existing efforts within our own states and collaborative opportunities which could emerge from within our own network.
Current Participants
Ellen Abell (Alabama: abellel@auburn.edu)
Kathy Reschke (Ohio: reschke.1@osu.edu)
Jim Van Horn (Pennsylvania: jev@psu.edu)
Lesia Oesterreich (Iowa: loesterr@iastate.edu)
Darlene P. Moss (American Samoa: darlenemoss@yahoo.com)
Diana Tarrant (American Samoa: ditarrant@yahoo.com)
Millie Ferrer (Florida: ferrer@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Susan Walker (Maryland: sw141@umail.umd.edu)
Carole Gnatuk (Kentucky: cgnatuk@uky.edu)
Diane Bales (Georgia: dbales@arches.uga.edu)
Sally Martin (Nevada: smartin@unr.nevada.edu)
Aging With the coming vast increase in the elderly population, how can we coordinate our aging-related efforts and support one another in gerontology programming? For example, can we dovetail the good work of the Southern Region Aging Baby Boomers initiative with the aging-related programming of the North Central and other areas? Let s maximize our aging-related expertise, explore multi-state programming and funding, and brainstorm innovative approaches.
Current Participants
Sam Quick (Kentucky: squick@uky.edu)
Matt Kaplan (Pennsylvania: mskl15@psu.edu)
Mary Brintnall-Peterson (Wisconsin: Mary.Brintnall-Peterson@ces.uwex.edu)
Don Bower (Georgia: dbower@uga.edu)
Collen D. Jolly (Iowa: cjolly@iastate.edu)
Kerri Parsons (Kansas: parsons@humec.ksu.edu)
Pat Tanner Nelson (Delaware: ptnelson@udel.edu)
Eunice Bonsi (Alabama: ebonsi@tusk.edu)
Susan Meyers (Minnesota: smeyers@umn.edu)
Lucy Bearon (North Carolina: luci_bearon@ncsu.edu)
Carolyn Wilken (Florida: cswilken@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Diane DelCampo (New Mexico: ddelcamp@nmsu.edu)
Christine Price (Ohio: price.121@osu.edu)
Judith Warren (Texas: jl-warren@tamu.edu)
Dena Targ (Indiana: targd@cfs.purdue.edu)
Diane DelCampo (New Mexico: ddelcamp@nmsu.edu)
Sandra Bailey (Montana: baileys@montana.edu)
Ann Michelle Daniels (South Dakota: daniels.michelle@ces.sdstate.edu)
Sally Bowman (Oregon: bowman@orst.edu)
Developing an employee education program Lower income employees are often challenged because of limited resource management skills that negatively impact their productivity in the workplace. This networking issue will explore a win-win situation for employers and employees.
Current Participants
C. L. Wayne Moore (Missouri: moorecl@missouri.edu)
Mildred Holland (Mississippi: mholland@lorman.alcorn.edu)
Jennifer Kerpelman (Alabama: jennifer.kerpelman@auburn.edu)
The mental health of children
The mental health of children is an important arena for Extension to enter as educators. Many of the mental health issues facing children and families originate or are exacerbated by factors in the environment and family. We have a role in helping parents identify those factors that place children (and adults) at risk for problems related to their mental health. Let's meet to talk about a national workgroup on children's mental health issues such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Current Participants
Linda Ladd (Texas: l-ladd@tamu.edu)
Rick Peterson (Colorado: Rick.Peterson@cahs.colostate.edu)
Maureen T. Mulroy (Connecticut: mmulroy@uconn.edu)
Anger management and violence prevention Over 380 violence prevention programs are available. How does a busy CES professional choose? This networking issue will explore ways to assess research-based programs, emperically effective programs, and ones that are ready for a busy CES agent to pick up and use.
Current Participants
Bob Fetsch (Colorado: fetsch@cahs.colostate.edu)
Angela Wiley (Illinois: awiley@uiuc.edu)
Elaine Wilson (Oklahoma: emwilso@okstate.edu)
I would like to choose a different topic Add your topic in the box below
Add a topic (and a brief description) at this time slot (only if "I would like to choose a different topic" is selected above, and no other topic is suitable

Session 4

Sunday, 8:30-10:20/Networking Session IV
Please check one of the following:
Attaining Full Professor Why are there so few Family Life Educators who have earned full professor? Discussion of strategies that young Family Life Educators can use to earn promotion to full professor in the future.
Current Participants
Jim Van Horn (Pennsylvania: jev@psu.edu)
Matt Kaplan (Pennsylvania: msk15@psu.edu)
Kathy Reschke (Ohio: reschke.1@osu.edu)
Rosalie Bakken (Nebraska: rbakken2@unl.edu)
Susan Walker (Maryland: sw141@umail.umd.edu)
Ann Michelle Daniels (South Dakota: daniels.michelle@ces.sdstate.edu)
Extension's response to terrorism
How should extension human development specialists respond to past and potential acts of terrorism in this country? Terrorism is psychological warfare. What role do community-based educators have in helping families deal with fear and anger? How can Extension educators help parents, children, and caregivers deal with the difficult events and teach peaceful alternatives?
Current Participants
Chuck Smith (Kansas: casmith@ksu.edu)
Linda Ladd (Texas: l-ladd@tamu.edu)
Carolyn Wilken (Florida: cswilken@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Training models for county faculty What models exist? How do these models include competency assessment? What are their strengths and limitations?
Current Participants
Judith Warren (Texas: jl-warren@tamu.edu)
Lesia Oesterreich (Iowa: loesterr@iastate.edu)
Ellen Abell (Alabama: abellel@auburn.edu)
Dawn Contreras (Michigan: contrera@msue.msu.edu)
Sandra Bailey (Montana: baileys@montana.edu)
Sally Bowman (Oregon: bowman@orst.edu)
Bob Fetsch (Colorado: fetsch@cahs.colostate.edu)
Working with mandated parent audiences A number of parents are required to attend parenting education programs because of such things as reports of abuse and neglect. Those mandates provide an audience, but they also create new challenges and programming issues. This group could discuss experiences and recommendations.
Current Participants
Judy Myers-Walls (Indiana: myerswal@cfs.purdue.edu)
Denise J. Brandon (Tennessee: djbrandon@utk.edu)
Kimberly Greder (Iowa: kgreder@iastate.edu)
Eunice Bonsi (Alabama: ebonsi@tusk.edu)
Carole Gnatuk (Kentucky: cgnatuk@uky.edu)
Rick Peterson (Colorado: Rick.Peterson@cahs.colostate.edu)
Angela Wiley (Illinois: awiley@uiuc.edu)
Judy Branch (Vermont: judy.branch@uvm.edu)
Elaine Wilson (Oklahoma: emwilso@okstate.edu)
Bridging family life and youth development How can the study and practice of family science be applied to youth development and the 4-H
program? What are successful models?
Current Participants
Don Bower (Georgia: dbower@uga.edu)
Drew Betz (Washington: betz@wsu.edu)
Mildred Holland (Mississippi: mholland@lorman.alcorn.edu)
Jennifer Kerpelman (Alabama: jennifer.kerpelman@auburn.edu)
Harriet Shaklee (Idaho: hshaklee@uidaho.edu)
Reina Camacho (Saipan, MP: reinac@nmcnet.edu)
Marriage/Couples Education National Model In Extension we have a very useful model for parent education and a developing model for parenting educators. Is it time to think about developing a national Extension model for marriage and couples education?
Current Participants
Wally Goddard (Arkansas: wgoddard@uaex.edu)
Francesca Adler-Baeder (Alabama: adlerfr@auburn.edu)
Ted Futris (Ohio: futris.1@osu.edu)
Kathy Bosch (Nebraska: kbosch@unl.edu)
Diane Sasser (Louisiana: agctr.lsu.edu)
Wayne Matthews (North Carolina: wayne_matthews@ncsu.edu)
Charlotte Shoup Olsen (Kansas: colsen@oznet.ksu.edu)
Sean Brotherson (North Dakota: sbrother@ndsuext.nodak.edu)
Anna Mae Kobbe (USDA: akobbe@reeusda.gov)
Dan Weigel (Nevada: weigeld@unce.unr.edu)
Grandparents raising grandchildren/Relatives as parents Extension has been invovled in many national, state, and local initiatives to meet the needs of these families. What were some of the initiatives? What is happening currently? What should be the next steps? How can we work together?
Current Participants
Mary Brintnall-Peterson (Wisconsin: Mary.Brintnall-Peterson@ces.uwex.edu)
Dena Targ (Indiana: targd@cfs.purdue.edu)
Collen D. Jolly (Iowa: cjolly@iastate.edu)
Darlene P. Moss (American Samoa: darlenemoss@yahoo.com)
Diana Tarrant (American Samoa: ditarrant@yahoo.com)
Millie Ferrer (Florida: ferrer@mail.ifas.ufl.edu)
Susan Meyers (Minnesota: smeyers@umn.edu)
Lucy Bearon (North Carolina: luci_bearon@ncsu.edu)
Christine Price (Ohio: price.121@osu.edu)
Aaron Ebata (Illinois: a-ebata@uiuc.edu)
Sam Quick (Kentucky: squick@uky.edu)
Diane Bales (Georgia: dbales@arches.uga.edu)
Karen DeBord (North Carolina: karen_debord@ncsu.edu)
Dorothy James (Texas: d-james@tamu.edu)
Age-paced resources for parents and caregivers
Brainstorm and develop an action plan for funding this multi-state or national initiative. Prioritize funding requests for the multi-state initiative and develop a funding plan. Develop a mechanism (satellite conferences?) to help Extension professionals cultivate local funding.
Current Participants
Pat Tanner Nelson (Delaware: ptnelson@udel.edu)
Kerri Parsons (Kansas: parsons@humec.ksu.edu)
Diane DelCampo (New Mexico: ddelcamp@nmsu.edu)
Judith Graham (Maine: jgraham@umext.maine.edu)
Dave Riley (Wisconsin: dariley@facstaff.wisc.edu)
Sally Martin (Nevada: smartin@unr.nevada.edu)
Peggy Brown (Delaware: pegbrown@udel.edu)
I would like to choose a different topic Add your topic in the box below
Add a topic (and a brief description) at this time slot (only if "I would like to choose a different topic" is selected above, and no other topic is suitable

My name:

My state:

My email address:

Before submitting, review any new topics you added. Have you checked the "I would like to choose a different topic" choice for each of those items? Check your grammar and spelling (I will not edit any comments). Have you selected all four networking sessions?

February 20, 2002
Charles A. Smith, The WonderWise Parent