Conversational format
The "conversational" format of Maybe Baby is informal and nontechnical. The conversation proceeds through a series of about eighty linked frames arranged in a sequence of

Your partner
Your relationship
Your baby
Your decision

found in the left column of the page. Each frame in the sequence is brief; scrolling should not be necessary. In the upper right of each frame you will see a percentage number that tells you how far you have proceeded in the course. As you read these frames you will occasionally be invited to complete an activity in your Journal (more on this later). Each page in the course will also have text links to in the grey bar between the title and course content.

I know this format may frustrate some readers who are simply browsing and curious. If you are willing to invest the time and effort, the payoff will hopefully be there when you complete the material. The reactions by many students and casual readers (opens new browser window) who completed other courses like the FireWorks: Anger management in adult-child relationships show that the content and format had a powerful impact in their lives.