Core idea 26
Make a decision
Visit with a man you trust and ask his opinion. Spend time with your partner and explore what she wants and the advantages and disadvantages you both might see in becoming parents. Once you have gathered the information and talked through the issues, then it’s time for you to seek your own counsel to make a decision.

Go to a place of quiet and peace for you. Go to your place of worship, a forested glen with an ancient tree, a quiet office.

Whatever you decide, do not make the decision out of fear. When you decide, stride forward and move ahead. If you decide that you are ready, keep in mind that we all have to leave our comfort zone to achieve what is truly worthwhile. Becoming a parent always involves a leap into the unknown. Are the possible outcomes worth taking the chance? In some ways, becoming a parent for the first time forces us to take off the training wheels.

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Journal 14 Pulling it together

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