library(nlme) library(lattice) # This file demonstrates how to include an interaction. A good understanding of centering and effect # coding from regression will help. My focus will be on the nlme syntax. ################################################################################ # Load data and set up for analysis using effect coding (contr.sum) and centered # predictors (by subtracting the mean). ################################################################################ myd<-read.csv("Young E1 DelayDiscounting.dat") myd$Cluster<-as.factor(myd$Cluster) contrasts(myd$Sex)=contr.sum(2) contrasts(myd$Cluster)=contr.sum(3) myd$c.VGExp<-myd$VGExp-mean(myd$VGExperience, na.rm=T) # create centered experience variable # Run a model with the full interaction between Sex and (centered) VG Experience. # For starting values we need 4: male-intercept, female-intercept, male-VG slope, female-VG slope. # Note that by using effect coding, the interpretation is different, but thinking of it this way # allows you to count up the necessary number of starting values. myr<-nlme(Indifference.point~1000/(1+exp(logk)*Delay), fixed=logk~Sex*c.VGExp, random=logk~1|Subject, data=subset(myd, !, start=c(logk=-6, 0, 0, 0)) summary(myr) # As in regression based on centered and effect-coded variables, the intercept is the grand mean k. The regression # equation is -6.75 + 1.39*Sex + .27*c.VGExp - .069*Sex*c.VGExp. To derive predictions, Sex is -1 for males # and +1 for females (see the contrasts). # Each p-value evaluates each term: Intercept > 0, Sex dummy > 0 (main effect of sex), VG Exp > 0 # (main effect of VG Exp), Sex1:c.VGExp > 0 (interaction) ################################################################################ # Multiple comparisons (post hocs and planned comparisons). ################################################################################ # The multcomp library can be used for specific tests or to obtain predicted k values with SE for graphing purposes. # The contrast.matrix allows you to specify specific combinations of predictors for specific tests. # Each element in the "c" list (see below) corresponds to one of the coefficients in the model "summary" table. # For example, c(1,-1,0,0) means that you are using the equation above (the -6.75... one) with the # intercept (always present here) plus -1 for Sex, 0 for c.VGExp, and 0 for sex*c.VGExp. This produces the predicted value when # Sex is -1 (male) and the VG Experience is average (c.VGExp is 0). If you need to compute comparisons, # you subtract the two vectors. For example, to compare male VERSUS female when VG Experience is 5: # c(1,-1, 5-11.59, -1*(5-11.59)) - c(1, 1, 5-11.59, +1*(5-11.59)) => c(0, -2, 0, 13.18). # *** Note the need to 'center' the VGExp value of 5 by subtracting the 11.59 mean from 5. # See statistics texts on contrast coding. library(multcomp) contrast.matrix <- rbind( 'Male at ave VG Exp' = c(1, -1, 0, 0), # 11.59 is the mean VG Experience score 'Female at ave VG Exp' = c(1, 1, 0, 0), 'Male at VG Exp of 5' = c(1, -1, 5-11.59, -1*(5-11.59)), 'Female at VG Exp of 5' = c(1, 1, 5-11.59, +1*(5-11.59)), 'Female vs. Male at VG Exp = 5' = c(0, -2, 0, 13.18) ) comps <- glht(myr, contrast.matrix) summary(comps) # Now things get complicated: interactions between categorical variables. Six parameters are estimated. # One of the challenges is counting the number of parameters for the starting values. When they're # categorical, it's easy: 2(Sex) x 3(Cluster) = 6. myr<-nlme(Indifference.point~1000/(1+exp(logk)*Delay), fixed=logk~Sex*Cluster, random=logk~1|Subject, data=subset(myd, !!, start=c(logk=-6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) summary(myr) # It would be great to get an ANOVA table for this situation due to the three-level cluster variable, # but the anova command uses the wrong sum-of-squares (sequential). Easy solution: anova(myr, type="marginal")