The coccidia of Passeriformes

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski and Lee Couch
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687 9521687

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Updated: 14 December 1998

NOTE: It is likely that many of the eimerians below are pseudoparasites.

Eimeria anili Haldar, Ray, & Mandal, 1982

Host: Sturnus contra (Asian pied starling - Sturnidae)
Reference: Haldar et al. 1982

Eimeria balozeti Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1938

Host: Sturnus vulgaris (Common starling - Sturnidae)
Reference: Yakimoff & Gousseff 1938

Eimeria depuytoraci Cerna, 1976

Host: Sylvia borin (Garden warbler - Sylviidae); Sylvia curruca (Lesser whitethroat - Sylviidae)
References: Cerna 1976; Svobodova 1992, 1994

Eimeria grallinida Reece, 1989

Host: Grallina cyanoleuca (Magpie-Lark or mudlark - Grallinidae)
Reference: Reece 1989
Only hepatic developmental stages were reported.

Eimeria lucknowensis Misra, 1947

Host: Motacilla alba (White or pied wagtail - Motacillidae)
Reference: Misra 1947
This has the appearance of a saurian pseudoparasite.

Eimeria malaccae Chakravarty & Kar 1944

Host: Lonchura malacca (Chestnut munia - Estrildidae)
Reference: Chakravarty & Kar 1944

Eimeria paradisaeai Varghese, 1977

Host: Paradisaea raggiana (Count Raggi's bird of Paradise - Paradisaeidae)
References: Varghese 1977, 1987
Varghese (1987) implies that other species in the family may harbor this coccidian.

Eimeria saubenovae Dzerzhinskii & Kairullaev, 1989

Host: Lanius collurio (Red-backed shrike - Laniidae)
Reference: Dzerzhinskii & Kairullaev 1989

Eimeria sp. of Faust & Pappas, 1977

Host: Sturnus vulgaris (Common starling)
Reference: Faust & Pappas 1977

Eimeria sp. of Grulet, Landau, Millet, & Baccam, 1985

Host: Passer domesticus (House sparrow - Ploceidae)
Reference: Grulet et al. 1985

Eimeria sp. of Labbe, 1893

Synonym: Coccidium roscoviensis of Labbe, 1893, pro parte
Host: Motacilla alba (White or pied wagtail - Motacillidae)
Reference: Labbe 1893

Eimeria sp. of Varghese & Yayabu, 1981

Host: Diphyllodes magnificus (Magnificent bird of Paradise - Paradisaeidae)
Reference: Varghese 1981


Cerna, Z. 1976. Two new coccidians from passeriform birds. Folia Parasitologica (Praha) 23: 277-279.

Chakravarty, M. and Kar, A.B. 1944. Studies on the coccidia of Indian birds II. Observations on several species of coccidia of the sub-families Cyclosporinae and Eimeriinae. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science B 20: 102-114

Dzerzhinskii, V.A. and Kairullaev, K.K. 1989. Coccidia from wild animals in lower region of the river Turgai. Izvestiya Adademia Nauk Kazachskoi SSR, seriya Biologicheskaia Nauk 0(2): 30-34.

Faust, B.S. and Pappas, P.W. 1977. A survey of coccidia and helminth parasitess of birds at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 8: 18-23.

Grulet, O., Landau, I., Millet, P., and Baccam, D. 1985. Les Isospora du Moineau I -- Complements a l'etude systematique. Annales de Parasitologie humaine et Comparee 60: 155-160.

Haldar, D.P., Ray, S.K., and Mandal, R.K. 1982. A new coccidium, Eimeria anili n. sp. from an Indian passerine bird. Archiv fur Protistenkunde 126: 217-219.

Labbe, A. 1893. Sur les coccidies des oiseaux. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Series 3 117: 407-409.

Labbe, A. 1899. Sporozoa. In: Das Tierreich. Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen, Butschli, O., editor. Verlag von R. Friedlander und Sohn, Berlin. pp. 1-180.

Misra, P.L. 1947. On three coccidian parasites, Wenyonella mackinnoni n. sp., Eimeria lucknovensis n. sp., and Isospora sp., from the intestine of the wagtail, Monacilla alba Linn. (Passeriformes: Motacillidae). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science B 25: 75-85.

Ray. D.K., Shivnani, G.A., Oommen, M., and Bhaskaran, R. 1952a. A study on the coccidia of Himalayan birds. Proceedings of the 59th Indian Science Congress 59: 314.

Ray. D.K., Shivnani, G.A., Oommen, M., and Bhaskaran, R. 1952b. A study on the coccidia of some Himalayan birds. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Bengal 5: 141-147.

Reece, R.L. 1989. Hepatic coccidiosis (Eimeria sp) in a wild magpie-lark (Grallina cyanoleuca). Avian Pathology 18: 357-362.

Svobodova, M. 1992. A preliminary study of monoxenous coccidia in passerine birds. Proceedings of the 20th annual conference, Protozoology section, Czechoslovakian Zoological Society. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae 56: 77.

Svobodova, M. 1994. Isospora, Caryospora and Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in passeriform birds from Czech Republic. Acta Protozoologica 33: 101-108.

Varghese, T. 1977. Eimeria paradisaeai sp. n. and Isospora raggianai sp. n. from the Raggiana birds of paradise (Paradisaea raggiana sclater) from Papua New Guinea. Journal of Parasitology 63: 887-889.

Varghese, T. 1987. Endoparasites of birds of paradise in Papua New Guinea. Veterinary Parasitology 26: 131-144.

Varghese, T. and Yayabu, R. 1981. A survey of coccidian and helminth parasites of birds in Papua New Guinea with special reference to the Birds of Paradise. In, Wildlife Disease of the Pacific Basin and Other Countries, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Sydney, Australia, August 25-28, 1981, Fowler, M.E., editor. Wildlife Disease Association, Sydney. pp. 102-107.

Yakimoff, W.L. and Gousseff, W.F. 1938. Eimeria balozeti n. sp., coccidie nouvelle de Sturnus vulgaris. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis 27: 282-283.