Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Bovidae
(excluding Caprinae)

Donald W. Duszynski1, Lee Couch1, and Steve J. Upton2
1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 13 February 2001
Comments: (Duszynski) or (Upton)

Subfamily Aepycerotinae, Genus Aepyceros (Impala)

  1. Eimeria impalae Prasad and Narayan, 1963
    1. Host: Aepyceros melampus (Impala)
    2. References: Bigalke 1964, 1966; Pienaar et al. 1964; Prasad and Narayan 1963

  2. Eimeria neitzi McCulley, Basson, de Vos, and de Vos, 1970
    1. Host: Aepyceros melampus (Impala)
    2. References: Basson et al. 1971; McCulley et al. 1970

Subfamily Alcelaphinae, Genus Alcelaphus (Hartebeest)

  1. Eimeria talboti Prasad and Narayan, 1963
    1. Host: Alcelaphus buselaphuss (syn. syn. Alcelaphus cockei; syn. Alcelaphus cokei) (Hartebeest)
    2. Reference: Prasad and Narayan 1963

  2. Eimeria sp. of Prasad and Narayan, 1963
    1. Host: Alcelaphus buselaphus (syn. Alcelaphus cockei; syn. Alcelaphus cokei) (Hartebeest)
    2. Reference: Prasad and Narayan 1963

Subfamily Alcelaphinae, Genus Connochaetes (Wildebeest or Gnu)

  1. Eimeria connochaeteri Levine and Ivens, 1970
    1. Synonym: Eimeria ellipsoidalis Becker and Frye, 1929 of Prasad, 1960
    2. Host: Connochaetes taurinus (Blue wildebeest or Bridled gnu - type host)
    3. References: Levine and Ivens 1970; Prasad 1960
    4. Remarks: Prasad (1960) originally listed Connochaetes gnou (Black wildebeest) as the host. However, this ruminant does not occur in East Africa, the stated type location. The real host is likely Connochaetes taurinus (Blue wildebeest) as explained by Levine and Ivens (1986).

  2. Eimeria gorgonis Prasad, 1960
    1. Host: Connochaetes taurinus (syn. Gorgon taurinus) (Blue wildebeest or Bridled gnu - type host)
    2. Reference: Prasad 1960

  3. Eimeria gnui Alyousif and Al-Shawa, 1998
    1. Host: Connochaetes gnou (syn. Connochaetes gnu) (Black wildebeest - type host)
    2. Reference: Alyousif and Al-Shawa 1998

  4. Eimeria spp. of Horak, De Vos, and Brown, 1983
    1. Host: Connochaetes taurinus (Blue wildebeest or Bridled gnu)
    2. Reference: Horak et al. 1983

Subfamily Antilopinae, Genus Antilope (Blackbuck)

  1. Eimeria antilocervi Ray and Mandal, 1960
    1. Synonym: Eimeria antelocervi Ray and Mandal, 1960 lapsus
    2. Host: Antilope cervicapra (syn. Antelopecervi caprae, lapsus) (Blackbuck - type host)
    3. References: Levine and Ivens 1986; Ray and Mandal 1960

  2. Eimeria mrigai Pande, Chauhan, Bhatia, and Arora, 1972
    1. Host: Antilope cervicapra (Blackbuck - type host)
    2. Reference: Pande et al. 1972

  3. Eimeria sp. of Bhatia, 1968
    1. Synonym: Eimeria cheetali Bhatia, 1968 pro parte
    2. Host: Antilope cervicapra (Blackbuck - type host)
    3. References: Bhatia 1968; Levine and Ivens 1986; Pande et al. 1970
    4. Remarks: Eimeria cheetali Bhatia, 1968 was originally described from Axis axis (Axis deer - type host) and said to have also occurred in the Blackbuck. Levine and Ivens (1986) believed that the two hosts were distant enough to warrent separating the two coccidia.

Subfamily Antilopinae, Genus Gazella (Gazelle)

  1. Eimeria abenovi Svanbaev, 1979
    1. Synonym: Eimeria faurei (Moussu and Marotel, 1902) Martin, 1909 of Svanbaev, 1969
    2. Host: Gazella subgutturosa (Goitered or Arabian sand gazelle - type host)
    3. References: Svanbaev 1979

  2. Eimeria chinkari Pande, Bhatia, Chauhan, and Garg, 1970
    1. Host: Gazella gazella (Palestine mountain or common Arabian gazelle - type host)
    2. Reference: Pande et al. 1970

  3. Eimeria dorcadis Mantovani, 1966
    1. Host: Gazella dorcas (Dorcas gazelle - type host)
    2. Reference: Mantovani 1966

  4. Eimeria elegans Yakimoff, Gousseff, and Rastegaieff, 1932
    1. Host: Gazella subgutturosa (Goitered or Arabian sand gazelle - type host)
    2. References: Svanbaev 1969, 1979; Yakimoff and Matschoulsky 1937; Yakimoff et al. 1932, 1936

  5. Eimeria gazella Musaev, 1970
    1. Synonym: Eimeria gaselia Musaev, 1970 lapsus
    2. Synonym: Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae Yakimoff and Rasteigaieff, 1930 of Svanbaev, 1958
    3. Synonym: Eimeria rheemi Hussein and Mohammed, 1992
    4. Host: Gazella arabica (syn. Gazella gazella arabica) (Arabian gazelle), Gazella subgutturosa (Goitered or Arabian sand gazelle - type host)
    5. References: Hussein and Mohammed 1992; Kasim et al. 1991; Levine and Ivens 1986; Musaev 1970; Rysavy 1954; Svanbaev 1958, 1969, 1979; Yakimoff and Matikaschwili 1933a
    6. Remarks: The only difference between Eimeria rheemi Hussein and Mohammed, 1992 and Eimeria gazella Musaev, 1970 appears to be in the presence of a micropyle in the former species. The area corresponding to the micropyle has been edited in the photographs of the 1992 paper.

  6. Eimeria idmii Mohammed and Hussein, 1992
    1. Host: Gazella gazella (Palastine mountain or common Arabian gazelle - type host)
    2. Reference: Mohammed and Hussein 1992

  7. Isospora sp. of Mirza, 1970
    1. Host: Gazella sp. (a gazelle)
    2. Reference: Mirza 1970
    3. Remarks: Mirza (1970) felt this was an avian isosporan pseudoparasite.

Subfamily Antilopinae, Genus Litocranius (Gerenuk)

  1. Eimeria walleri Prasad, 1960
    1. Host: Litocranius walleri (Gerenuk - type host)
    2. Reference: Prasad 1960

Subfamily Antilopinae, Genus Procapra (Gazelle)

  1. Eimeria cagandzeeri Sugar, 1982
    1. Host: Procapra gutturosa (Mongolian gazelle - type host)
    2. Reference: Sugar 1982

  2. Eimeria sp. of Sugar, 1982
    1. Host: Procapra gutturosa (Mongolian gazelle)
    2. Reference: Sugar 1982
    3. Remarks: On three oocysts were found and the author did not name this species because of the low sample size.

Subfamily Antilopinae, Genus Saiga (Saiga)

  1. Eimeria ismailovi Musaev, 1970
    1. Synonym: Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae Yakimoff and Rastegaieff, 1930 of Svanbaev, 1958
    2. Host: Saiga tatarica (Saiga)
    3. References: Musaev 1970; Svanbaev 1958

  2. Eimeria manafovae Musaev, 1970
    1. Synonym: Eimeria elegans Yakimoff, Gousseff, and Rastegaieff, 1933 of Svanbaev, 1956
    2. Host: Saiga tatarica (Saiga)
    3. References: Musaev 1970; Svanbaev 1956, 1979

  3. Eimeria saiga Svanbaev, 1958
    1. Host: Saiga tatarica (Saiga)
    2. Reference: Svanbaev 1958

  4. Eimeria sajanica Matschoulsky, 1947
    1. Host: Saiga tatarica (Saiga)
    2. Reference: Matschoulsky 1947

  5. Eimeria tataruca Musaev, 1970
    1. Synonym: Eimeria faurei (Moussu and Marotel, 1902) Martin, 1909 of Svanbaev, 1958
    2. Host: Saiga tatarica (Saiga)
    3. References: Musaev 1970; Svanbaev 1958, 1979

  6. Eimeria tekenovi Svanbaev, 1979
    1. Synonym: Eimeria arloingi (Marotel, 1905) Martin, 1909 of Svanbaev, 1969
    2. Host: Saiga tatarica (Saiga)
    3. Reference: Svanbaev 1969, 1979

Subfamily Bovinae, Genera Bison, Bos, and Bubalus

  1. Eimeria alabamensis Christensen, 1941
    1. Hosts: Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    2. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Christensen 1941; Davis 1943; Davis and Bowman 1951, 1963; Davis et al. 1955, 1957; Holst 1994; Levine and Ivens 1967; Patnaik 1965; Rakovec and Brglez 1966; Sayin 1970; Soekardono et al. 1975; Svanbaev 1975; Zuo and Chen 1984

  2. Eimeria ankarensis Sayin, 1969
    1. Host: Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    2. Reference: Sayin 1969
    3. Remarks: This coccidian was named since Sayin (1969) was unable to transmit this coccidian to Bos taurus (Ox). However, only 50 oocysts were used in the attempt which is far below the levels that normally produce patent infections of other Eimeria spp. in cattle. It is likely that this coccidia is either Eimeria auburnensis Christensen and Porter, 1939 or Eimeria pellita Supperer, 1952.

  3. Eimeria auburnensis Christensen and Porter, 1939
    1. Synonym: Eimeria ildefonsoi Torres and Ramos, 1939
    2. Synonym: Eimeria khurodensis Rao and Hiregaudar, 1954
    3. Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Pop-Cenitch and Bordjochki, 1959
    4. Synonym: Eimeria thianethi Gwelessiany, 1935
    5. Hosts: Bison bison (American bison), Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    6. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Chobotar 1968; Chobotar and Hammond 1967, 1969; Chobotar et al. 1969; Christensen 1941; Christensen and Porter 1939; Cordero del Campillo 1960; Davis and Bowman 1951, 1962, 1963; Gwelessiany 1935, 1937; Hammond et al. 1961, 1967, 1968, 1969; Levine and Ivens 1967; Lizcano Herrera and Romero Rodriguez 1969; Nyberg and Hammond 1965; Patnaik 1965; Pellerdy 1974; Pop-Cenitch and Bordjochki 1959; Rao and Hiregaudar 1954; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Ryff and Bergstrom 1975; Sanyal et al. 1985b; Sayin 1969, 1970; Scholtyseck et al. 1966, 1967; Svanbaev 1975; Torres and Ramos 1939; Yakimoff 1936; Zuo and Chen 1984
    7. Remarks: Many authors have synonymized Eimeria thianethi Gwelessiany, 1935 with Eimeria bukidnonensis Tubangui, 1931. However, the absence in the original report of the bottleneck-like structure of the oocyst wall and the apparent lack of a 'distinctive' micropyle suggests the species may have been Eimeria auburnensis Christensen and Porter, 1939. Sayin (1969) was able to infect Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo) calves with oocysts derived from Bos taurus (Ox).

  4. Eimeria azerbaidschanica Yakimoff, 1933 species inquirendae
    1. Synonym: Eimeria azerbaidjhanaica Yakimoff, 1933 lapsus
    2. Host: Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo - type host)
    3. References: Gousseff 1935; Yakimoff 1933; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1933

  5. Eimeria bareillyi Gill, Chhabra, and Lall, 1963
    1. Synonym: Eimeria bubalis Abdussalam and Rauf, 1956 of Yasin and Abdussalam, 1958
    2. Host: Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo - type host)
    3. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Gill et al. 1963; Mahajan et al. 1985; Sanyal 1986; Sanyal et al. 1985a, 1985b, 1985c; Sayin 1973; Shashtri and Ghafoor 1982; Yasin and Abdussalam 1958
    4. Remarks: It is possible that this coccidian actually represents oocysts of the lower size ranges of Eimeria bukidnonensis Tubangui, 1931; however, a number of investigators have provided measurements demonstrating that this coccidian is uniformly smaller and Sanyal et al. (1985b) failed to cross-transmit the species.

  6. Eimeria bovis (Zublin, 1908) Fiebiger, 1912
    1. Synonym: Coccidium bovis Zublin, 1908
    2. Synonym: Eimeria aareyi Rao and Bhatavdekar, 1959
    3. Synonym: Eimeria canadensis Bruce, 1921 pro parte
    4. Synonym: Eimeria smithi Yakimoff and Galouzo, 1927
    5. Synonym: Eimeria yunnanensis Zuo and Chen, 1984
    6. Hosts: Bison bison (American bison), Bison bonasus (European bison), Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    7. References: Becker 1933; Bhatia et al. 1968; Boughton 1942; Christensen 1941; Cordero del Campillo 1960; Davis and Bowman 1951, 1963; Fitzgerald 1964a, 1964b, 1965, 1967, 1968; Hammond and Scholtyseck 1970; Hammond et al. 1944, 1946, 1960, 1963b, 1966, 1968; Fiebiger 1912; Levine and Ivens 1967, 1970; Lindsay et al. 1990; Musaev and Manafova 1971; Nyberg and Hammond 1965; Hammond et al. 1946, 1955, 1960; Patnaik 1965; Penzhorn et al. 1994; Rao and Bhatavdekar 1959; Rastegaieff 1929b; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Roberts and Hammond 1970; Sanyal et al. 1985b; Sayin 1969, 1970; Scholtyseck and Hammond 1970; Scholtyseck et al. 1970; Svanbaev 1975; Wilson 1931; Yakimoff 1933, 1935a, 1935b; Yakimoff and Galouzo 1927a, 1927b; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1933; Yakimoff and Matikaschwili 1933b; Yakimoff and Matschoulsky 1937a, 1937b; Zublin 1908; Zuo and Chen 1984
    8. Remarks: Sayin (1969) was able successfully transmit oocysts collected from Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo) to Bos taurus (Ox).

  7. Eimeria brasiliensis Torres and Ramos, 1939
    1. Synonym: Eimeria boehmi Supperer, 1952
    2. Synonym: Eimeria helenae Donciu, 1961
    3. Synonym: Eimeria orlovi Basanova, 1952
    4. Hosts: Bison bison (American bison), Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    5. References: Basanova 1952; Bhatia et al. 1968; Donciu 1961; Ernst et al. 1971; Lee and Armour 1958; Levine and Ivens 1970; Marquardt 1959; Patnaik 1965; Penzhorn et al. 1994; Rakovec and Brglez 1966; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1994; Ryff and Bergstrom 1975; Sayin 1970; Supperer 1952; Svanbaev 1975; Torres and Ramos 1939; Zuo and Chen 1984

  8. Eimeria bukidnonensis Tubangui, 1931
    1. Hosts: Bos javanicus (syn. Bibos banteng) (Banteng), Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    2. References: Borrelli 1971; Christensen 1941; Courtney et al. 1976; Davis and Bowman 1951, 1964; Levine and Ivens 1967, 1970; Parker 1981; Patnaik 1965; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Sayin 1970; Svanbaev 1975; Tubangui 1931; Yakimoff 1933, 1935b; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1933

  9. Eimeria canadensis Bruce, 1921
    1. Synonym: Eimeria bombayannsis Rao and Hiregaudar, 1954
    2. Synonym: Eimeria zurnabadensis Yakimoff, 1931
    3. Hosts: Bison bison (American bison), Bison bonasus (European bison), Bos javanicus (syn. Bibos banteng) (Banteng), Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    4. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Bruce 1921; Christensen 1941; Davis and Bowman 1951; Levine and Ivens 1967; Muller 1980; Muller and Speer 1981; Muller et al. 1973; Musaev and Manafova 1971; Patnaik and Pande 1965; Penzhorn et al. 1994; Rao and Hiregaudar 1954; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Ryff and Bergstrom 1975; Sanyal et al. 1985b; Sayin 1970; Yakimoff 1931b, 1933, 1935b; Zuo and Chen 1984

  10. Eimeria cylindrica Wilson, 1931
    1. non Eimeria cylindrica Ray and Das Gupta, 1936
    2. Hosts: Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    3. References: Christensen 1941; Davis and Bowman 1951; Levine and Ivens 1967, 1970; Patnaik 1965; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Sanyal et al. 1985b; Sayin 1970; Willi and Eckert 1972; Wilson 1931; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1933; Zuo and Chen 1984

  11. Eimeria ellipsoidalis Becker and Frye, 1929
    1. Hosts: Bison bonasus (European bison), Bison bison (American bison), Bos frontalis (syn. Bibos gaurus) (Gaur), Bos javanicus (syn. Bibos banteng) (Banteng), Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    2. References: Becker and Frye 1929; Bhatia et al. 1968; Boughton 1945; Christensen 1941; Cordero del Campillo 1960; Davis and Bowman 1951, 1963; Hammond et al. 1963a; Levine and Ivens 1967, 1970; Nyberg and Hammond 1965; Patnaik 1965; Patnaik and Pande 1965; Penzhorn et al. 1994; Prasad 1960; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Roberts and Hammond 1970; Sanyal and Ruprah 1986; Sanyal et al. 1985b, 1985c; Sayin 1969, 1970; Willi and Eckert 1972; Yakimoff 1933, 1935b; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1933; Zuo and Chen 1984
    3. Remarks: Sayin (1969) successfully transmitted this parasite from Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo) to Bos taurus (Ox).

  12. Eimeria gokaki Rao and Bhatavdekar, 1959
    1. Synonym: Eimeria brasiliensis Torres and Ramos, 1939 of Patnaik, 1965
    2. Host: Bubalus bubalis (Water buffalo)
    3. References: Patnaik 1965; Rao and Bhatavdekar 1959
    4. Remarks: This species has traditionally been separated from Eimeria brasiliensis Torres and Ramos, 1939 because its overall size was reported to be smaller. However, more exact measurements and further studies may reveal the two species to be synonyms.

  13. Eimeria illinoisensis Levine and Ivens, 1967
    1. Host: Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host)
    2. References: Levine and Ivens 1967; Sayin 1970; Zuo and Chen 1984

  14. Eimeria kosti Elibihari and Hussein, 1974 nomen nudum
    1. Host: Presumably Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host)
    2. References: Elibihari and Hussein (1974) noted a coccidian with gamogony in the abomasum of a "cow." Unsporulated oocysts measured from histological sections were similar in size to live oocysts of Eimeria subspherica Christensen, 1941 and Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909. The authors thought a micropyle was present. Because speciation of eimerians is based on direct measurements of viable sporulated oocysts, this species is categorized as a nomen nudum. Further studies will likely show that this coccidian is a synonym of a previously described species and that the abomasum represented an abnormal site of development

  15. Eimeria mundaragi Hiregaudar, 1956
    1. Host: Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host)
    2. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Hiregaudar 1956; Levine 1961; Patnaik 1965
    3. Remarks: This coccidian is similar to several other bovine eimerians possessing a micropyle, but lacks the thick, rough wall that normally accompanies these types of coccidia. It is likely that these oocysts represent either Eimeria auburnensis Christensen and Porter, 1939, Eimeria bukidnonensis Tubangui, 1931, Eimeria pellita Supperer, 1952, or Eimeria wyomingensis Huizinga and Winger, 1942 where the outer rought wall has been stripped away.

  16. Eimeria pellita Supperer, 1952
    1. Host: Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host)
    2. References: Ernst and Todd 1977; Supperer 1952

  17. Eimeria ovoidalis Ray and Mandal, 1961, species inquirendae
    1. Synonym: Eimeria wyomingensis Huizinga and Winger, 1942 of Patnaik, 1965
    2. Host: Perhaps Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus); Bubalus bubalis (Water buffalo - type host)
    3. References: Patnaik 1965; Ray and Mandal 1961
    4. Remarks: Ray and Mandal (1961) claimed to have transmitted the parasite experimentally from water buffalo to Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Zebu) calves but that some of the oocysts produced were smaller. When these oocysts were given back to water buffalo, oocysts returned to the original size. Further studies are certainly needed to determine the validity of this species. It is likely that this coccidian is either Eimeria pellita Supperer, 1952 or Eimeria auburnensis Christensen and Porter, 1939.

  18. Eimeria subspherica Christensen, 1941
    1. Host: Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    2. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Christensen 1941; Davis and Bowman 1951; Ernst and Courtney 1977; Levine and Ivens 1967; Patnaik 1965; Rao and Bhatavdekar 1959; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990; Sanyal et al. 1985b; Sayin 1969, 1970; Zuo and Chen 1984

  19. Eimeria wyomingensis Huizinga and Winger, 1942
    1. Synonym: Eimeria bukidnonensis Tubangui, 1931 of Christensen, 1938
    2. Hosts: Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    3. References: Christensen 1938; Courtney et al. 1976; Ernst and Benz 1980; Huizinga and Winger 1942; Lee and Armour 1959; Levine and Ivens 1970; Lindsay et al. 1988; Lizcano Herrera and Romero Rodriguez 1969; Parker 1981; Patnaik 1965; Reboucas et al. 1994; Sanyal et al. 1985b; Sayin 1969

  20. Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909
    1. Synonym: Cytospermium zurnii Rivolta, 1878
    2. Synonym: Eimeria bovis (Zyblin, 1908) Fiebiger, 1912 pro parte
    3. Synonym: Eimeria canadensis Bruce, 1921 pro parte
    4. Hosts: Bison bonasus (European bison), Bison bison (American bison), Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host), Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo)
    5. References: Bhatia et al. 1968; Bruce 1921; Christensen 1941; Cordero de Campillo 1960; Davis and Bowman 1951, 1957, 1963; Fiebiger 1912; Fitzgerald 1962, 1975; Levine and Ivens 1967; Marquardt 1962; Marquardt et al. 1960; Martin 1909; Niilo 1969; Nyberg and Hammond 1965; Patnaik 1965; Penzhorn et al. 1994; Reboucas et al. 1988, 1990, 1994; Rivolta 1878; Rodriguez et al. 1988; Saitoh et al. 1988; Sanyal and Ruprah 1984; Sanyal et al. 1985b, 1985c; Sayin 1969, 1970; Speer 1988; Stockdale 1976a, 1976b, 1977; Svanbaev 1975; Wenyon 1926; Yakimoff 1933, 1935a; Yakimoff and Galouzo 1927b, 1930; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1933; Zuo and Chen 1984; Zyblin 1908
    6. Remarks: Sayin (1969) was able to infect Bos taurus (Ox) with oocysts derived from Bubalus bubalus (Water buffalo).

  21. Isospora aksaica Bazanova, 1952
    1. Host: Bos taurus (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus - type host)
    2. References: Bazanova 1952; Levine and Mohan 1960; Orlov 1956
    3. Remarks: The description and line drawing clearly suggest this is likely an avian isosporan pseudoparasite.

  22. Isospora bisonis Mandal and Chakravarty, 1983
    1. Host: Bos frontalis (syn. Bos gaurus) (Gaur)
    2. Reference: Mandal and Chakravarty 1983
    3. Remarks: The description suggests that this may be a carnivore coccidian pseudoparasite ingested by the Gaur.

  23. Some unnamed Isospora spp. of Bos taurus (syn. Bos indicus) (Aurochs, Ox, or Urus) that are likely avian pseudoparasites. The list is not all inclusive.
    1. References: Bejsovec 1984; Bejsovec and Donat 1982; Cooper and Gulati 1926; Gousseff 1935; Levine and Mohan 1960

Subfamily Bovinae, Genus Boselaphus (Nilgai)

  1. Eimeria nilgai Pande, Bhatia, Chauhan and Garg, 1970
    1. Host: Boselaphus tragocamelus (Nilgai)
    2. Reference: Pande et al. 1970
    3. Remarks: This coccidian may represent Eimeria alabamensis Christensen, 1941, Eimeria ellipsoidalis Becker and Frye, 1929, or Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909.

  2. Eimeria tragocamelis Bhatia, 1968
    1. Host: Boselaphus tragocamelus (Nilgai)
    2. Reference: Bhatia 1968
    3. Remarks: This coccidian may represent Eimeria alabamensis Christensen, 1941, Eimeria ellipsoidalis Becker and Frye, 1929, or Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909.

  3. Eimeria yakimovi Rastegaieff, 1929
    1. Host: Boselaphus tragocamelus (Nilgai)
    2. References: Bhatia 1968; Pande et al. 1970; Rastegaieff 1929a
    3. Remarks: This coccidian and Eimeria pellita Supperer, 1952 may be synonyms.

Subfamily Bovinae, Genus Syncerus (African buffalo)

  1. "Coccidia" of Young and Van der Heever, 1969
    1. Host: Syncerus caffer (African buffalo)
    2. References: Penzhorn 2000; Young and Van der Heever 1969
    3. Remarks: The article by Penzhorn (2000) implies Eimeria spp., which of course is highly likely

Subfamily Bovinae, Genus Taurotragus (Eland)

  1. Eimeria canna Triffitt, 1924
    1. Host: Taurotragus oryx (syn. Orias canna) (Common eland)
    2. Reference: Triffit 1924
    3. Remarks: This cocidian may represent a synonym of Eimeria bovis (Zublin, 1908) Fiebiger, 1912.

  2. Eimeria sp. of Schillhorn van Veen, Trapp, Daunt, and Richter, 1986
    1. Host: Tragelaphus strepsiceros (Greater kudu)
    2. Reference: Schillhorn van Veen et al. 1986

  3. Eimeria triffittae Yakimoff, 1934
    1. Host: Taurotragus oryx (syn. Orias canna) (Common eland)
    2. Reference: Yakimoff 1934
    3. Remarks: This coccidian may be Eimeria alabamensis Christensen, 1941, Eimeria cylindrica Wilson, 1931, or Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909.

  4. Eimeria sp. of Van Wettere, 1966
    1. Host: Taurotragus oryx (Common eland)
    2. Reference: Van Wettere 1966
    3. Remarks: This coccidian may represent Eimeria alabamensis Christensen, 1941, Eimeria cylindrica Wilson, 1931, Eimeria ellipsoidalis Becker and Frye, 1929, or very possbily Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909.

Subfamily Bovinae, Genus Tetracerus (Chousingha)

  1. Eimeria chausinghi Pande, Bhatia, Chauhan and Garg, 1970
    1. Host: Tetracerus quadricornis (Chousingha or four-horned antelope)
    2. Reference: Pande et al. 1970
    3. Remarks: The description of this coccidian matches numerous other bovine coccidia, including Eimeria alabamensis Christensen, 1941, Eimeria bovis (Zublin, 1908) Fiebiger, 1912, Eimeria cylindrica Wilson, 1931, Eimeria ellipsoidalis Becker and Frye, 1929, Eimeria illinoisensis Levine and Ivens, 1967, and Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) Martin, 1909.

Subfamily Cephalophinae, Genus Cephalophus (Duiker)

  1. Eimeria cephalophi Pampiglione, Ricci-Bitti, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Host: Cephalophus monticola (Blue duiker - type host)
    2. Reference: Pampiglione et al. 1973

  2. Eimeria iturina Pampiglione, Ricci-Bitti, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Host: Cephalophus monticola (Blue duiker - type host)
    2. Reference: Pampiglione et al. 1973

  3. Eimeria turnbulli Pampiglione, Ricci-Bitti, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Hosts: Cephalophus dorsalis (Bay duiker - type host), Cephalophus monticola (Blue duiker), Cephalophus nigrifrons (Black-fronted duiker)
    2. Reference: Pampiglione et al. 1973

Subfamily Hippotraginae, Genus Oryx (Oryx)

  1. Eimeria saudiensis Kasim and Al Shawa, 1988
    1. Host: Oryx leucoryx (Arabian oryx - type host)
    2. Reference: Kasim and Al Shawa 1988

Subfamily Peleinae

no coccidia reported

Subfamily Reduncinae, Genus Kobus (Kobus)

  1. Eimeria congolensis Ricci-Bitti, Pampiglione, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Hosts: Kobus ellipsiprymnus (syn. Kobus defassa) (Waterbuck - type host), Kobus leche (Lechwe)
    2. References: Flach et al. 1991; Ricci-Bitti et al. 1973

  2. Eimeria dathei Tscherner, 1976
    1. Host: Kobus ellipsiprymnus (Waterbuck - type host)
    2. Reference: Tscherner 1976

  3. Eimeria katangensis Ricci-Bitti, Pampiglione, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Host: Kobus ellipsiprymnus (syn. Kobus defassa) (Waterbuck - type host)
    2. Reference: Ricci-Bitti et al. 1973

  4. Eimeria kobi Ricci-Bitti, Pampiglione, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Hosts: Kobus ellipsiprymnus (syn. Kobus defassa) (Waterbuck - type host), Kobus leche (Lechwe)
    2. References: Flach et al. 1991; Ricci-Bitti et al. 1973

  5. Eimeria macieli Yakimoff and Matschoulsky, 1938
    1. Hosts: Kobus ellipsiprymnus (syn. Cobus ellipsiprymnus) (Waterbuck - type host), Kobus leche (Lechwe)
    2. References: Flach et al. 1991; Yakimoff and Matschoulsky 1938

  6. Eimeria sp. of Ricci-Bitti, Pampiglione, and Kabala, 1973
    1. Host: Kobus ellipsiprymnus (syn. Kobus defassa) (Waterbuck - type host)
    2. Reference: Ricci-Bitti et al. 1973

Select references

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