KSU Amateur Radio Club Minutes

Minutes - January 20, 1998

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by David Yoder, KAØJPM, in the absence of other officers.

Open House will be April 4. Norm Dillman, NØJCC offered suggestions for club activities that day. The members agreed that as usual we would plan on an HF station set up in Rathbone Hall, using the Cushcraft R5 antenna. We might try contacts with MIR or slow scan TV.

David Yoder agreed to investigate getting a small canvas banner that could be displayed from the front of a folding table, as well as a display gadget that could be set on a table, such as seen at conferences and trade shows.

The chair took nominations for the annual election of officers, and these individuals were elected:

John Blessing, NØYRL, president, who chaired the remainder of the meeting.
David Yoder, KAØJPM, secretary-treasurer
Bill Kuhn, KO4MH, station manager
David Handlos, KBØKQY, activities manager

Field Day 1998 was mentioned. It was agreed that we would not be a sponsoring club, since we lack liability insurance. Our callsign will not be loaned, but individuals can participate as they like. The site will probably be the scenic outlook south on K-177.

Lloyd Verhage, KD4STH showed us the beginnings of his new balloon payload, and outlined the steps in constructing the Kevlar shell. This capsule will travel to approximately 90,000 feet, which will give it a radio range of about 300 miles each direction. It will be able to record voice messages and then repeat them.

The members of the club enjoyed refreshments (gum) provided by Norm Dillman.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 P.M.

David Yoder, KAØJPM


e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu