In Memory of John D. O'Bryant

John D. O'Bryant, the first African-American to be appointed a vice president at Northeastern University, served in that capacity from 1979 until his death on July 3, 1992. During that period, he oversaw the workings of the African-American Institute and provided invaluable leadership in what were often difficult times.

John was born in Boston on July 15, 1931, and was educated in the Boston public schools. He earned his bachelor's and master's degree from Boston University. After serving in the U.S. Army, he worked as a teacher and a guidance counselor in the Boston public schools from 1955 to 1969. In 1969, he developed the Health vocational Training Program at the Dimock Community Health Center and directed that program until he joined Northeastern as Associate Dean of University Administration in 1978. In 1979, he was appointed Northeastern's Vice President of Student Affairs.

John often passed out his business card to young people who impressed him, no matter where he found them - in a restaurant or in the airplane seat next to his - and encouraged them to pursue a college education. People he had taught or counseled years before often sought him out to thank him for challenging them to reach their full potential.

John served as president of the Boston School Committee and as national chairman of the Council of Urban Boards of Education, and founded a number of local and state-wide education advocacy groups. Although he gained national prominence in the field of education, John maintained his humility and sense of humanity. At his memorial service, his long-time staff described him as follows:
as follows:

A compassionate man who loved people;
Unpretentious, never flaunting his status or influence;
Always optimistic and reminding others to "keep things in perspective";
A man of great integrity who never judged others;
A spiritual man who practiced his Christian beliefs.

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