John D. O'Bryant National Think Tank for Black Professionals in Higher Education on Predominantly White Campuses


A. Types of Committees

  1. Standing Committees are those established under provisions of the John D. O'Bryant National Think Tank for Black Professionals in Higher Education on Predominately White Campuses Constitution or By-laws.
  2. Ad hoc Committees are those established by the President and charged with specific assignment on a continuing basis for a period of 6 to 12 months. All officers shall serve as ex-officio members.

B. Duties and Responsibilities

The general responsibility of all committees is to:

  1. Utilize research necessary to prepare policy and procedural recommendations to the John D. O'Bryant National Think Tank for Blacks in Higher Education on Predominately White Campuses.
  2. Conduct their routine affairs.
  3. Keep records of all meetings.
  4. Prepare written reports and summaries of work and to submit them as directed.

C. Appointment

The John D. O'Bryant National Think Tank for Black Professionals in Higher Education on Predominately White Campuses shall make appointments to all Standing Committees at the annual mid-year meeting of the Board, with the approval of the Board. The President should ensure that adequate regional representation occurs on all committees.

D. Chairperson of Committees

Each committee shall have a chairperson appointed by the President. A secretary may be elected from the committee members to keep written records of all committee meetings.


A. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Executive Vice President, Program Vice President, Membership Vice President/Secretary, Finance Vice President, Technology Vice President, Parliamentarian and Legal Counsel shall conduct the business of the organization when the Board is not in session.

B. Summit Coordinating Committee

The Conference Coordinating Committee has the primary responsibility for organizing and administering the annual conference for the organization. The committee shall:

  1. Design, implement, coordinate and conduct an Annual National Summit as the major professional meeting of Black intellectuals;
  2. Assist in the implementation of regional summits.

C. Business and Finance Committee

Duties of the Business and Finance Committee shall be to oversee the financial operations of the organization. The committee must make a full report detailing income and expenditures of the current budget year to the Board. The committee shall:

  1. Prepare and submit an annual budget;

  2. Develop a long-range fiscal plan for the John D. O'Bryant National Think Tank for Black Professionals in Higher Education on Predominately White Campuses in concert with other committees;

  3. Make periodic reports to the Board regarding the financial affairs of the organizations.

D. Constitution and By-laws Committee

The Constitution and By-laws Committee shall be responsible for keeping the organization in compliance with the constitution and bylaws. The committee shall:

  1. Interpret, review and recommend revisions of the constitution.

  2. Provide annual reports of the review.

E. Research and Professional Development Committee

The duties of the Research and Professional Development Committee are to:

  1. Work with the Technology Vice President and maintain the web page and E-mail database.

  2. Develop linkages with national and regional Black organizations in the United States.

  3. Develop linkages with national funding organizations, i.e., National Science Foundation, Ford, Rockfeller, etc.

F. Editorial/Publications Committee

The Editorial/Publication Committee is responsible for producing and overseeing all written publications. The committee shall:

  1. Produce the organizational newsletter, brochures and other publications.

  2. Publish the annual Summit proceedings.

  3. Assist in organizational members being published.

G. Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee is responsible for the visible promotion of the organization. The committee shall:

  1. Develop a process for organizational public relations.

  2. Establish contacts with all national higher educational newsletters and journals.

H. Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for providing recommendations for the promotion and development of the organization. The committee shall:

  1. Recommend short and long-range goals and objectives for the organizations.

  2. Update short-range goals annually;

  3. Revise long-range planning every other year.

I. Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for developing strategies to increase membership of the organization. The committee shall:

  1. Execute a membership drive annually.

  2. Actively involve the active membership in the recruitment process.

J. Human Resources

The Human Resources committee is responsible for providing information and assistance concerning employment opportunities. The committee shall:

  1. Develop a job bank.

  2. Directly assist members in becoming employed.

  3. Provide a mentoring network for Black professionals and/or any other member who expresses this need.

K. Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau is responsible for developing opportunities for members to be presented in an organized structure. The committee shall:

  1. Develop a list of speakers from the organizational membership.

  2. Promote speakers from the organizational membership.

  3. Develop a speakers brochure.

L. Faculty Affairs

The Faculty Affairs Committee is responsible for all academic issues related to higher education. The committee shall:

  1. Oversee all issues and concerns regarding class instruction in higher education.

  2. Develop a network of academicians in the organization.

M. Administrative Affairs

The Administrative Affairs Committee is responsible for all administrative issues related to higher education. The committee shall:

  1. Oversee all issues and concerns regarding administrative issues in higher education.

  2. Develop a network of administrators in the organization.

N. Student Research and Development Committee

The Student Research and Development Committee shall be responsible for issues regarding Black students who attend predominately White colleges and universities. The committee shall:

  1. Receive and make recommendations regarding policies affecting Black students on predominately White campuses.

  2. Serve as an advocate for Black students on predominately White campuses.

  3. Make annual reports to the Executive Board regarding the condition of Black students on predominately White campuses.

  4. Undertake annual studies of the status of Black students on predominately White campuses.

  5. Serve as an advocate in promoting student recruitment and retention in higher education.


A. Nominating and Election Committee

The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee composed of three to five members from different areas at the Board of Directors meeting prior to the annual meeting to announce the new officers. The duties of the Nominating Committee are to:

  1. Present a slate of officers to the membership three months prior to elections.

  2. Place a call for nominations to the general membership no later than the mid-year Board meeting prior to the election year.

  3. Mail a copy of the vita available of each candidate to the membership.


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